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Special Offer December 2023
For crowd funders.
Total shares of Heavy Data Backup currently : 1 Billion.
Minimum investment 15 LTC
Each LTC shall get 35,000 shares
Also the first 100 investors shall get a 15 GB storage service for a duration of 3 years.
So the 15 LTC investment shall be shall get 525,000 shares each.
ROI for investors is based on the following formula :
6 percent per year deferred cumulative. Linear not compounded.
Extra returns over the 6% are split 75% for the general partner and 25% for the investors.
No management fee for the general partner. The general partner gets 75% of any gains beyond a cumulative 6%.
Features of the business :
Tried and tested with existing customers.
Unique selling point : Extra needed services for customers.
The funding is needed for :
Expansion to get more customers.
Development of more value added services.
This is an investment opportunity. Business loans shall be considered after the private equity round.
The working for equity opportunity is available here.
Backup system for the entire enterprise
The following roles need people for the heavy data backup service.