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1. Capacity Planning: Analyze current data storage needs and plan for future requirements. This involves predicting storage growth, ensuring scalability, and avoiding potential bottlenecks.

2. Storage Provisioning: Allocate and provision storage resources based on the needs of different applications and users. This includes assigning appropriate storage space and configuring access permissions.

3. Data Lifecycle Management: Classify data based on its lifecycle and implement policies for data retention, archiving, and deletion. This helps optimize storage usage and ensures that valuable data is appropriately stored.

4. Backup and Recovery: Implement robust backup strategies to protect against data loss. Regularly back up critical data, and establish efficient recovery processes to minimize downtime in the event of data corruption or hardware failures.

5. Storage Security: Implement security measures to protect stored data from unauthorized access, ensuring data integrity and confidentiality. This includes encryption, access controls, and monitoring for suspicious activities.

6. Performance Monitoring: Regularly monitor storage performance to identify potential issues such as slow response times or high latency. Monitoring tools can help optimize storage performance and prevent disruptions.

7. Storage Virtualization: Use storage virtualization technologies to abstract physical storage resources and provide a more flexible and efficient storage infrastructure. This can improve resource utilization and simplify management.

8. Storage Networking: Manage storage area networks (SANs) and network-attached storage (NAS) systems to ensure reliable and high-performance access to storage resources. This involves configuring and optimizing network connections between storage devices and servers.

9. Disaster Recovery Planning: Develop and test disaster recovery plans to ensure data availability in the event of a disaster. This includes offsite backups, redundant storage systems, and procedures for rapid recovery.

10. Compliance Management: Ensure that storage management practices adhere to relevant industry regulations and compliance standards, especially in industries with strict data protection requirements.

11. Storage Tiering: Classify data based on its importance and usage patterns, and then assign it to different storage tiers. This allows organizations to optimize costs by storing less critical data on lower-cost storage solutions.

12. Cloud Storage Integration: Integrate cloud storage solutions seamlessly into the storage infrastructure to provide additional scalability, flexibility, and redundancy.

products/ict/managed_services/infrastructure_management/storage_management.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/09 19:21 by wikiadmin