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Business Solutions Course

Addressing Ethical Challenges in Business Operations

Topics in the course :

Course Title: Addressing Ethical Challenges in Business Operations

Course Overview:

This course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to identify, analyze, and address ethical challenges that arise in business operations.

It provides a comprehensive understanding of ethical issues in various functional areas of business and explores strategies for promoting ethical behavior and creating a culture of integrity within organizations.

Course Objectives:

By the end of this course, students will be able to:

1. Understand the fundamental concepts and theories of business ethics.

2. Identify and analyze ethical challenges that commonly arise in business operations.

3. Evaluate the ethical implications of decision-making in different functional areas of business, including finance, marketing, human resources, and operations.

4. Develop strategies to address ethical dilemmas and promote ethical behavior within organizations.

5. Assess the impact of ethical decisions on stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, and the wider community.

6. Apply ethical frameworks and decision-making models to real-world business scenarios.

7. Understand the legal and regulatory frameworks related to business ethics.

8. Explore emerging ethical challenges in areas such as technology, sustainability, and globalization.

9. Enhance critical thinking and problem-solving skills in the context of ethical decision-making.

Course Outline:

Module 1: Introduction to Business Ethics

Understanding the concept of business ethics

Theoretical approaches to business ethics

Ethical decision-making frameworks

Module 2: Ethical Challenges in Finance and Accounting

Ethical issues in financial reporting and corporate governance

Insider trading and conflicts of interest

Corporate social responsibility in finance

Module 3: Ethical Issues in Marketing and Advertising

Truth in advertising and deceptive marketing practices

Targeting vulnerable consumers

Ethical implications of data collection and privacy

Module 4: Ethical Considerations in Human Resources

Ethical issues in employee recruitment and selection

Workplace diversity and inclusion

Ethical dilemmas in employee relations and performance management

Module 5: Ethical Decision-making in Operations Management

Supply chain ethics and responsible sourcing

Environmental sustainability and corporate social responsibility

Balancing cost considerations with ethical practices

Module 6: Creating an Ethical Organizational Culture

Building a culture of integrity

Ethical leadership and corporate governance

Codes of conduct and ethics training

Module 7: Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Business Ethics

Understanding legal and regulatory requirements

Compliance and ethics programs

Whistleblowing and protection of whistleblowers

Module 8: Emerging Ethical Challenges in Business

Ethical considerations in technology and artificial intelligence

Sustainable business practices and social entrepreneurship

Globalization and ethical issues in international business

Module 9: Case Studies and Practical Application

Analyzing real-world ethical dilemmas in business

Applying ethical frameworks and decision-making models

Developing strategies to address ethical challenges

Module 10: Ethical Leadership and Professional Development

Ethical leadership skills and practices

Professional ethics and personal integrity

Developing an ethical mindset in business operations

Course duration : 9:00 - 17:00

Contains 8 hours of disucssions and 40 hours of videos and 20 hours of activities discussions.

Certificate : Certificate of participation shall be provided to participants which complete all activities in the course.

Normal fees : 3 LTC/$315 USD/Rs 90,000 participant.

Introductory offer for the first 20 participants : 0.5 LTC/$53 USD/Rs 15,200 per participant.

For physical classroom : Add USD 0.25 LTC/26 USD/Rs 7,500 per participant. Minimum 20 participants.

For registration please contact :

Email : +92 343 270 2932

Contact Information

training/business/business_solutions_course/addressing_ethical_challenges_in_business_operations.1688231368.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/01 22:09 by wikiadmin