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Desktop Linux skills

### Basic Command Line Skills

1. Navigation and File Management

  1. Commands: `ls`, `cd`, `pwd`, `mkdir`, `rmdir`, `rm`, `cp`, `mv`
  2. Understand the filesystem hierarchy: `/`, `/home`, `/etc`, `/var`, `/usr`, etc.

2. File Permissions and Ownership

  1. Commands: `chmod`, `chown`, `chgrp`
  2. Understanding of permission notation (rwx) and how to modify them.

3. Text Editing

  1. Basic usage of text editors: `nano`, `vim`, or `emacs`.

4. Searching and Processing Text

  1. Commands: `grep`, `find`, `locate`, `awk`, `sed`

5. File Compression and Archiving

  1. Commands: `tar`, `gzip`, `gunzip`, `zip`, `unzip`

### System Monitoring and Management

1. Process Management

  1. Commands: `ps`, `top`, `htop`, `kill`, `killall`, `bg`, `fg`, `jobs`

2. System Resource Monitoring

  1. Commands: `df`, `du`, `free`, `uptime`

3. Package Management

  1. Understanding of package managers: `apt` (Debian/Ubuntu), `yum` or `dnf` (CentOS/Fedora), `pacman` (Arch)

4. Service Management

  1. Commands: `systemctl`, `service`
  2. Managing services: starting, stopping, enabling, and disabling.

### Networking 1. Basic Networking Commands

  1. Commands: `ifconfig`, `ip`, `ping`, `netstat`, `ss`, `traceroute`, `nslookup`, `dig`

2. SSH and Remote Management

  1. Command: `ssh`
  2. Basics of configuring SSH keys and connecting to remote systems.

### Scripting

1. Shell Scripting

  1. Basics of writing and running shell scripts.
  2. Understanding of common scripting constructs: loops, conditionals, functions.

### Desktop Environment Management

1. Installing and Customizing Desktop Environments

  1. Installation and configuration of different desktop environments (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc.)
  2. Customizing the desktop environment to suit your needs.

2. Using GUI Tools

  1. Familiarity with common GUI tools for file management, system settings, and application installation.

### Security

1. Basic Security Practices

  1. Understanding of firewalls: `ufw`, `firewalld`
  2. Basics of user and group management: `useradd`, `usermod`, `groupadd`, `passwd`

### Advanced Topics

1. Virtualization

  1. Basics of using virtualization tools like VirtualBox, KVM, or VMware.

2. Docker and Containerization

  1. Understanding and usage of Docker for containerizing applications.

3. Version Control with Git

  1. Basic commands and workflows of `git`.

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products/ict/linux/skills/desktop.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/17 17:58 by wikiadmin