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Module 11: Using Negation and Multiple Match Criteria in IP Tables Rules

Lesson 1: Introduction to Negation and Multiple Match Criteria - Understanding the need for complex rule conditions - Overview of negation and its role in rule creation - Importance of combining multiple match criteria for precise filtering

Lesson 2: Using Negation in IP Tables Rules - Applying `!` to negate specific match criteria - Creating rules that exclude certain traffic from filtering - Scenarios where negation enhances rule flexibility

Lesson 3: Combining Multiple Match Criteria - Leveraging multiple match criteria for comprehensive rule creation - Creating rules that consider source and destination addresses, ports, and protocols - Achieving fine-grained control over allowed and denied traffic

Lesson 4: Logical Operators for Match Criteria - Using logical operators (`-a` for AND, `-o` for OR) to combine match criteria - Building complex rules using combinations of source, destination, ports, and protocols - Ensuring that rules accurately represent intended filtering behavior

Activity: Complex Rule Creation with Negation and Multiple Criteria - Guided exercise: Designing and implementing rules that utilize negation and multiple match criteria - Applying logical operators to create effective rule sets - Testing the rules against different traffic scenarios

Module 11 Assignment: Advanced Rule Scenarios - Present challenging network scenarios that require rules with negation and multiple match criteria - Describe how your designed rules address these scenarios while maintaining security and functionality

Upon completing Module 11, learners will be proficient in using negation and combining multiple match criteria to create complex and precise IP tables rules. They will understand how to craft rules that accurately reflect their security requirements while efficiently managing network traffic.

products/ict/linux/iptables/using_negation_and_multiple_match_criteria.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 22:04 by wikiadmin