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Module 9: Specifying Source and Destination IP Addresses in IP Tables Rules

Lesson 1: Introduction to Source and Destination IP Addresses - Understanding the significance of source and destination IP addresses - How IP addresses play a crucial role in packet filtering and routing decisions - The importance of accurate IP address specification in firewall rules

Lesson 2: Source IP Address Filtering - Using the `-s` option to specify source IP addresses - Filtering packets originating from specific sources - Applying CIDR notation and IP ranges for source filtering

Lesson 3: Destination IP Address Filtering - Using the `-d` option to specify destination IP addresses - Filtering packets destined for specific destinations - Applying CIDR notation and IP ranges for destination filtering

Lesson 4: Filtering Based on IP Address and Port - Combining source/destination IP address filtering with port filtering - Creating rules that target specific source-destination pairs - Utilizing port ranges and protocol specifications for comprehensive filtering

Lesson 5: Address Negation and Exclusion - Using `!` to negate source or destination IP addresses - Specifying exceptions to filtering rules - Scenarios where address negation is particularly useful

Activity: IP Address Filtering Scenarios - Guided practice: Creating rules for various filtering scenarios - Applying source and destination IP address filters to allow or deny traffic - Incorporating address negation for specific use cases

Module 9 Assignment: Complex IP Address Filtering - Design a firewall rule that involves complex source and destination IP address filtering - Explain the reasoning behind your choice of IP address filters and their implications

Upon completing Module 9, learners will have a strong understanding of how to effectively specify source and destination IP addresses in IP tables rules. They will be capable of creating rules that target specific IP addresses or address ranges for packet filtering and routing decisions.

products/ict/linux/iptables/specifying_source_and_destination_ip_addresses.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 22:02 by wikiadmin