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Module 5: Packet Processing Flow Through IP Tables

Lesson 1: Overview of Packet Processing Flow - Understanding how packets are processed by IP tables - The journey of a packet from arrival to departure - Role of chains and rules in shaping packet flow

Lesson 2: Prerouting Chain - Exploring the Prerouting chain's role - Packet processing before routing decisions are made - Use cases for Prerouting chain rules

Lesson 3: Input Chain - Revisiting the Input chain's position in the packet flow - Filtering packets destined for the local system - Interaction between Input chain and Prerouting chain

Lesson 4: Forward Chain - Understanding packet flow through the Forward chain - Handling packets passing through the system - Interaction between Forward chain and Prerouting/Output chains

Lesson 5: Output Chain - Revisiting the Output chain's position in the packet flow - Controlling packets originating from the local system - Interaction between Output chain and Postrouting chain

Lesson 6: Postrouting Chain - Exploring the Postrouting chain's significance - Packet processing after routing decisions are made - Use cases for Postrouting chain rules

Activity: Tracing Packet Flow in IP Tables - Guided activity: Tracing the flow of a packet through the entire IP tables process - Identifying which chains and rules are triggered at each step - Analyzing the impact of different rule actions on packet flow

Module 5 Assignment: Packet Flow Visualization - Create a visual representation of the packet processing flow in IP tables - Highlight the interaction between different chains and the decision points for each packet

Upon completing Module 5, learners will have a comprehensive understanding of how packets are processed through IP tables. They will be familiar with the various stages of packet flow, the roles of different chains, and how rules are applied to shape the behavior of network traffic.

products/ict/linux/iptables/packet_processing_flow_through_ip_tables.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 21:59 by wikiadmin