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Module 45: Evolving Alternatives to IP Tables

Lesson 1: Introduction to Evolving Alternatives - Exploring the evolving landscape of firewall technologies beyond IP tables - Overview of the alternatives and their unique features and benefits - Understanding the reasons for considering alternatives to IP tables

Lesson 2: Nftables: The Successor to IP Tables - Exploring nftables as a successor to IP tables - Understanding the architecture, syntax, and capabilities of nftables - Addressing scenarios where nftables offers improvements over IP tables

Lesson 3: Firewalld: Dynamic Firewall Management - Understanding the dynamic nature of Firewalld and its benefits - Exploring the features, zones, and services of Firewalld - Addressing scenarios where Firewalld provides a user-friendly alternative

Lesson 4: PF: Packet Filter for Unix-like Systems - Exploring PF (Packet Filter) as an alternative firewall solution - Understanding PF's capabilities, syntax, and filtering techniques - Addressing scenarios where PF offers advanced packet filtering capabilities

Lesson 5: Open Source and Commercial Alternatives - Exploring a variety of open source and commercial firewall alternatives - Overview of alternatives such as iptables-ng, Shorewall, and commercial solutions - Strategies for evaluating and choosing alternatives based on network requirements

Activity: Exploring and Comparing Firewall Alternatives - Guided exercise: Researching and comparing evolving alternatives to IP tables - Analyzing the features, benefits, and drawbacks of nftables, Firewalld, PF, and other solutions

Module 45 Assignment: Firewall Alternative Strategy - Develop a strategy for evaluating and potentially adopting evolving alternatives to IP tables - Explain how the chosen approach aligns with network requirements, enhances firewall capabilities, and addresses limitations of IP tables

Upon completing Module 45, learners will have an understanding of evolving alternatives to IP tables and the reasons for considering them. They will be equipped with insights into nftables, Firewalld, PF, and other firewall solutions, enabling them to make informed decisions about adopting alternatives that better suit their network requirements, offer enhanced features, and provide improved firewall management capabilities.

products/ict/linux/iptables/evolving_alternatives_to_ip_tables.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 23:09 by wikiadmin