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Module 8: Anatomy of an IP Tables Rule

Lesson 1: Introduction to Rule Anatomy - Breaking down the components of an IP tables rule - Understanding how each component contributes to rule functionality - Importance of structuring rules correctly for effective firewall management

Lesson 2: Tables and Chains - Overview of IP tables tables: filter, nat, mangle - Exploring built-in chains: Input, Output, Forward, Prerouting, Postrouting - The role of custom chains in organizing and simplifying rule management

Lesson 3: Match Criteria - Defining match criteria using various options - Specifying source and destination IP addresses with `-s` and `-d` - Filtering based on protocols, ports, and packet characteristics

Lesson 4: Target Action - Understanding the concept of target actions - Defining the desired outcome for packets that match the rule - Common target actions: ACCEPT, DROP, REJECT, LOG, and custom chains

Activity: Building and Documenting Rules - Hands-on exercise: Creating rules for specific scenarios - Documenting the structure of each rule, including table, chain, match criteria, and target action - Discussing the rationale behind the chosen rule components

Module 8 Assignment: Rule Anatomy Design - Design a complex rule that involves multiple match criteria and a custom chain - Break down the rule's anatomy, explaining the purpose of each component

Upon completing Module 8, learners will have a detailed understanding of the anatomy of an IP tables rule. They will be able to create well-structured rules that leverage tables, chains, match criteria, and target actions effectively to achieve desired firewall behavior.

products/ict/linux/iptables/anatomy_of_a_rule.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 22:02 by wikiadmin