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Jump Start Enterprise Resources Project


Owner : 15 Minutes per week

General Manager : 4 hours per week

Managers related to Inventory, Accounts, Procurement, HR and other department heads : 4 hours per week.

These are the minimum commitments of time which are required to start and run the project.

If there are weeks where the time is not used, then it can be less than the committed time. Depending on requirements and meetings during the specific week.

Reason for offer :

ATRC is involved in projects which involve hundreds to thousands of fast implementations for clients all over the country. Because of this involvement, we have developed new technologies and very cost effective methods to provide our ERP related implementation services.

So we are offering some of our valuable clients the opportunity to avail the benefit of these technologies and techniques for their benefit.

The selected customers are totally based on ATRC and this not an open offer to everyone or every company.

products/ict/erp-crm-scm/startup_erp_crm_scm_project.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/24 20:22 by wikiadmin