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Advantages of having your own video conferencing server.

Running your own Jitsi server offers several advantages:

1. Privacy and Security: With your own server, you have complete control over user data and encryption protocols, ensuring the highest level of privacy and security for your meetings.

2. Customization: You can customize the platform to fit your specific needs, whether it's branding, user interface modifications, or integration with other tools and services.

3. Scalability: By hosting your own server, you can scale resources according to your requirements, ensuring optimal performance even during peak usage times.

4. Cost Savings: While there are costs associated with setting up and maintaining a server, in the long run, hosting your own Jitsi server can be more cost-effective compared to paying for subscription-based services, especially for larger organizations.

5. Control Over Features: You have the freedom to add or remove features based on your preferences and requirements, without being restricted by the limitations of a third-party service.

6. Reliability: With your own server, you are not reliant on the uptime and reliability of a third-party service provider. You have direct control over maintenance and updates, reducing the risk of downtime.

7. Compliance: Hosting your own server can help ensure compliance with industry regulations and data protection laws, as you have full control over how data is stored and managed.

8. Integration: You can integrate your Jitsi server seamlessly with other internal systems and applications, enhancing productivity and collaboration within your organization.

9. Community Support: While setting up and managing your own server requires technical expertise, there is a vibrant community of users and developers who can provide support and guidance.

10. Independence: By running your own server, you are not tied to the policies, terms of service, or pricing changes of a third-party provider, giving you greater independence and control over your video conferencing solution.

What is Jitsi

Jitsi User Guide

Resource requirements

Pricing :

Small Jitsi Server

Specifications for server : KVM type, 6x vCPU Core, 220 GB SSD RAID-10 Storage, 8GB RAM, 5TB Bandwidth per month, 1Gbps Network Port, Full Root Admin Access

Setup ( one time ) : 1.5 LTC ( 123 USD, 34,170 PKR, 450 AED )

Server cost :

1 LTC per month ( 82 USD, 22,780 PKR, 300 AED )

9.5 LTC per year ( 778 USD, 216,400 PKR, 2860 AED )

Rates conversion as of 9 May 2024.

Medium Jitsi Server

Specifications for server : Hybrid type, Dual Xeon E5-2690 8x 2.90 GHz, 32 GB RAM, 750 GB HDD, 10TB Monthly Transfer, 1Gbps Network Port

Setup ( one time ) : 1.5 LTC ( 123 USD, 34,170 PKR, 450 AED )

Server cost :

2 LTC per month

20 LTC per year

Rates conversion as of 9 May 2024.

1 LTC = 22830 PKR

1 LTC = 300 AED

1 LTC = 82 USD


In today's interconnected world, communication has become more critical than ever before. Whether it's for personal, professional, or educational purposes, the ability to connect with others seamlessly is essential. With the rise of remote work, distance learning, and global collaboration, the demand for reliable and versatile communication tools has skyrocketed. Among the myriad of solutions available, Jitsi stands out as a powerful and open-source platform for video conferencing, online meetings, and collaborative workspaces. In this comprehensive exploration, we delve deep into the world of Jitsi, examining its history, features, architecture, use cases, and the broader impact it has on communication and collaboration.

Chapter 1: Origins and Evolution

Jitsi's journey began in 2003 when Emil Ivov, a computer scientist and entrepreneur, started the project as an open-source community effort under the name SIP Communicator. Initially focused on SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and instant messaging, the project gradually expanded its scope to include video conferencing capabilities. In 2010, the project was rebranded as Jitsi, a name derived from the Bulgarian word for “wires.”

Over the years, Jitsi underwent significant development, with contributions from a growing community of developers and enthusiasts worldwide. In 2015, Jitsi was acquired by Atlassian, a leading provider of collaboration software. However, in 2018, Atlassian announced that it would be divesting its ownership of Jitsi, returning it to its roots as an independent open-source project.

Since then, Jitsi has continued to thrive under the stewardship of the Jitsi Software community. With a commitment to open standards, privacy, and security, Jitsi has emerged as a popular choice for organizations and individuals seeking a reliable and customizable video conferencing solution.

Chapter 2: Core Features and Functionality

At its core, Jitsi provides a comprehensive set of features for online communication and collaboration. These features include:

Video Conferencing: Jitsi allows users to host and join video conferences with ease. With support for high-definition video and audio, participants can engage in face-to-face communication regardless of their physical location.

Screen Sharing: Collaborative work often requires sharing content, such as presentations, documents, or applications. Jitsi's screen sharing feature enables participants to share their screens, fostering real-time collaboration and idea sharing.

Chat Integration: In addition to video and audio communication, Jitsi offers built-in chat functionality. Participants can exchange messages during meetings, share links, and collaborate more effectively.

Recording and Live Streaming: Jitsi allows users to record meetings for later reference or share them with absent participants. Moreover, Jitsi supports live streaming, enabling organizations to broadcast meetings to a wider audience in real-time.

Secure Meetings: Security and privacy are paramount in online communication. Jitsi employs end-to-end encryption to ensure that conversations remain private and secure. Additionally, Jitsi offers advanced security features such as password-protected meetings and moderator controls.

Customization and Integration: One of Jitsi's key strengths is its extensibility and flexibility. Organizations can customize the platform to suit their specific needs, integrating it with existing tools and systems seamlessly.

Chapter 3: Architecture and Technology Stack

To understand how Jitsi operates, it's essential to examine its architecture and underlying technology stack. At its core, Jitsi leverages a combination of open-source technologies to deliver its functionality:

WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication): WebRTC is a standardized technology that enables real-time communication in web browsers and mobile applications. Jitsi utilizes WebRTC for audio and video streaming, providing low-latency and high-quality communication.

XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol): XMPP is an open standard for real-time communication, commonly used for instant messaging and presence information. Jitsi utilizes XMPP for signaling and presence management, facilitating the establishment and management of communication sessions.

Prosody: Prosody is a lightweight and flexible XMPP server written in Lua. Jitsi utilizes Prosody to handle XMPP communication, user authentication, and presence tracking.

Jicofo (Jitsi Conference Focus): Jicofo is a component of the Jitsi Meet architecture responsible for managing conferences and coordinating communication between participants. Jicofo handles tasks such as user authentication, conference room allocation, and media routing.

Jitsi Videobridge: Jitsi Videobridge is a selective forwarding unit (SFU) that routes audio and video streams between participants in a conference. Unlike traditional video conferencing systems, which rely on a central server to mix audio and video streams, Jitsi Videobridge distributes streams directly between participants, reducing latency and bandwidth requirements.

Lib-jitsi-meet: Lib-jitsi-meet is a JavaScript library that provides a high-level interface for interacting with the Jitsi Meet API. Developers can use Lib-jitsi-meet to customize the Jitsi Meet user interface, integrate additional features, and extend the platform's functionality.

By leveraging these components and technologies, Jitsi delivers a robust and scalable platform for real-time communication and collaboration.

Chapter 4: Use Cases and Applications

Jitsi caters to a diverse range of use cases and applications across various industries and domains. Some of the most common use cases include:

Remote Work: With the rise of remote work and distributed teams, organizations rely on Jitsi to facilitate virtual meetings, team collaboration, and remote presentations. Jitsi enables remote workers to stay connected and productive regardless of their location.

Distance Learning: In the field of education, Jitsi plays a crucial role in enabling distance learning and online education. Educators can conduct virtual classrooms, deliver lectures, and engage with students in real-time, fostering interactive and immersive learning experiences.

Healthcare: Jitsi finds applications in telemedicine and remote healthcare delivery, allowing healthcare professionals to conduct virtual consultations, patient assessments, and medical conferences securely. Jitsi's privacy and security features make it suitable for handling sensitive medical information and maintaining patient confidentiality.

Community Engagement: Non-profit organizations, community groups, and grassroots movements leverage Jitsi to facilitate community engagement, host virtual events, and conduct online meetings. Jitsi enables participants to connect, collaborate, and mobilize for social change effectively.

Customer Support: Businesses use Jitsi to provide remote customer support and assistance, enabling representatives to engage with customers via video conferencing and screen sharing. Jitsi enhances the quality of customer interactions, leading to higher satisfaction and retention rates.

Chapter 5: Privacy, Security, and Compliance

Privacy and security are top priorities for Jitsi, and the platform incorporates robust measures to protect user data and ensure confidentiality. Some of the key privacy and security features include:

End-to-End Encryption: Jitsi employs end-to-end encryption to secure audio and video communication between participants. This ensures that only authorized users can access and decrypt the transmitted data.

Secure Authentication: Jitsi supports secure authentication mechanisms, including password-protected meetings and moderator controls. Participants must authenticate themselves before joining a meeting, preventing unauthorized access.

Secure Deployment Options: Organizations can deploy Jitsi on their infrastructure or choose from a range of secure hosting providers. Jitsi offers flexible deployment options to meet the unique security and compliance requirements of different organizations.

Compliance with Data Protection Regulations: Jitsi adheres to relevant data protection regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union. The platform provides tools and features to help organizations comply with data privacy laws and regulations.

As the landscape of communication and collaboration continues to evolve, Jitsi remains committed to innovation and improvement. Some of the future directions and emerging trends for Jitsi include:

Enhanced Collaboration Features: Jitsi plans to introduce new collaboration features to enhance teamwork and productivity. This may include integrations with popular project management tools, interactive whiteboards, and virtual breakout rooms.

Improved Performance and Scalability: Jitsi aims to enhance its performance and scalability to support larger meetings and conferences with thousands of participants. This involves optimizations to the underlying infrastructure and the introduction of new technologies for efficient media processing and distribution.

Integration with Emerging Technologies: Jitsi seeks to integrate with emerging technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to create immersive communication experiences. This may involve support for 3D avatars, spatial audio, and virtual environments.

Continued Focus on Security and Privacy: Jitsi remains committed to maintaining the highest standards of security and privacy. The platform will continue to invest in security research, threat modeling, and vulnerability assessments to address emerging threats and vulnerabilities.


In conclusion, Jitsi represents a powerful and versatile platform for online communication and collaboration. With its rich feature set, open architecture, and commitment to privacy and security, Jitsi has become the platform of choice for organizations, educators, healthcare professionals, and community groups worldwide. As the world continues to embrace remote work, distance learning, and virtual collaboration, Jitsi is poised to play an increasingly significant role in shaping the future of communication. Whether it's connecting colleagues across continents, enabling students to learn from anywhere, or bringing communities together for meaningful discussions, Jitsi empowers users to communicate effectively, securely, and seamlessly.

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products/ict/communications/video_conferencing/jitsi.txt · Last modified: 2024/05/09 10:29 by wikiadmin