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A subnet mask is a 32-bit binary value used in conjunction with an IP address to define the boundaries of a subnet. It determines which part of an IP address belongs to the network portion and which part belongs to the host portion. The subnet mask is crucial in subnetting as it helps devices understand where the network ends and where hosts begin within an IP address space.

Here's how the subnet mask works and its role in subnetting:

1. Binary Representation:

  1. Like an IP address, a subnet mask is represented as a 32-bit binary value.
  2. In the subnet mask, the network portion is represented by contiguous 1s, and the host portion is represented by contiguous 0s.

2. Decimal Representation:

  1. To make subnet masks easier to read and understand, they are often represented in dotted-decimal notation, just like IP addresses.
  2. Each octet of the subnet mask is converted from binary to decimal form.
  3. For example, the subnet mask `` represents a network portion of 24 bits (8 bits in each of the first three octets) and a host portion of 8 bits (the last octet).

3. Determining Network and Host Portions:

  1. The subnet mask serves as a bitwise filter that determines which bits in an IP address belong to the network portion and which bits belong to the host portion.
  2. When an IP address is combined with its corresponding subnet mask using a bitwise AND operation, the result is the network address.
  3. For example, if you have the IP address `` with a subnet mask ``, the network address is ``.

4. Defining Subnet Boundaries:

  1. By varying the length of the network portion in the subnet mask, you can define different subnet sizes and boundaries.
  2. Shorter subnet masks (e.g., ``) create larger subnets with more host addresses, while longer subnet masks (e.g., ``) create smaller subnets with fewer host addresses.
  3. Subnetting allows you to divide a larger IP address space into smaller, more manageable subnets, each with its own unique network address and range of host addresses.

In summary, the subnet mask plays a crucial role in subnetting by defining the boundaries of subnets within an IP address space. It helps devices determine which part of an IP address belongs to the network and which part belongs to the host, enabling efficient address allocation and routing in IP networks.

products/ict/communications/courses/cisco/ccna/subnet_mask_and_its_role_in_subnetting.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/31 23:15 by wikiadmin