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1. What is an ACL? Answer: ACL stands for Access Control List, which is a set of rules used to control access to network resources.

2. What is the purpose of an ACL? Answer: The purpose of an ACL is to control who can access network resources and what actions they can perform on those resources.

3. How does an ACL work? Answer: An ACL works by filtering traffic based on rules that specify which packets are allowed or denied based on criteria such as source and destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols.

4. What are the types of ACLs supported by Alibaba Cloud? Answer: Alibaba Cloud supports both network ACLs and security group ACLs.

5. What is a network ACL? Answer: A network ACL is a set of rules that control traffic flow at the network level.

6. What is a security group ACL? Answer: A security group ACL is a set of rules that control traffic flow at the instance level.

7. How are network ACLs and security group ACLs different? Answer: Network ACLs control traffic flow at the network level, while security group ACLs control traffic flow at the instance level.

8. How do you create a network ACL on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can create a network ACL on Alibaba Cloud by using the VPC console or the Alibaba Cloud API.

9. How do you create a security group ACL on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can create a security group ACL on Alibaba Cloud by using the ECS console or the Alibaba Cloud API.

10. What are the basic components of an ACL rule? Answer: The basic components of an ACL rule are the source and destination IP addresses, ports, and protocols.

11. What is the difference between a permit rule and a deny rule? Answer: A permit rule allows traffic to pass through the ACL, while a deny rule blocks traffic from passing through the ACL.

12. Can you create custom ACL rules on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: Yes, you can create custom ACL rules on Alibaba Cloud.

13. How do you modify an ACL rule on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can modify an ACL rule on Alibaba Cloud by using the VPC console or the Alibaba Cloud API.

14. How do you delete an ACL rule on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can delete an ACL rule on Alibaba Cloud by using the VPC console or the Alibaba Cloud API.

15. Can you prioritize ACL rules on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: Yes, you can prioritize ACL rules on Alibaba Cloud.

16. How do you prioritize ACL rules on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can prioritize ACL rules on Alibaba Cloud by changing the order in which they are listed.

17. What is an ACL policy? Answer: An ACL policy is a collection of ACL rules that are applied to a network or instance.

18. How do you apply an ACL policy on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can apply an ACL policy on Alibaba Cloud by associating it with a VPC or security group.

19. Can you apply multiple ACL policies to a single network or instance? Answer: Yes, you can apply multiple ACL policies to a single network or instance.

20. How do you troubleshoot ACL issues on Alibaba Cloud? Answer: You can troubleshoot ACL issues on Alibaba Cloud by reviewing the ACL logs and using the Alibaba Cloud support resources. 1. What is Application Security? Answer: Application Security refers to the measures taken to secure software applications from threats and vulnerabilities that may compromise their confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

2. What are the common types of application security threats? Answer: The common types of application security threats are SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), cross-site request forgery (CSRF), and file inclusion vulnerabilities.

3. What is SQL injection? Answer: SQL injection is a type of attack where an attacker injects malicious SQL statements into an application's input fields to manipulate the database and gain unauthorized access to sensitive information.

4. How can you prevent SQL injection? Answer: To prevent SQL injection, developers should use prepared statements or parameterized queries, validate user input, sanitize input data, and limit database permissions.

5. What is cross-site scripting (XSS)? Answer: Cross-site scripting (XSS) is a type of attack where an attacker injects malicious scripts into a web application to steal sensitive information or control the user's browser.

6. How can you prevent XSS attacks? Answer: To prevent XSS attacks, developers should sanitize input data, validate input fields, use HTTP-only cookies, and implement Content Security Policy (CSP).

7. What is cross-site request forgery (CSRF)? Answer: Cross-site request forgery (CSRF) is a type of attack where an attacker tricks a user into executing an unwanted action on a website without their knowledge or consent.

8. How can you prevent CSRF attacks? Answer: To prevent CSRF attacks, developers should use unique anti-CSRF tokens, validate user input, and implement strict security policies.

9. What is file inclusion vulnerability? Answer: File inclusion vulnerability is a type of vulnerability where an attacker can include a file from a remote server to execute malicious code or steal sensitive information.

10. How can you prevent file inclusion vulnerabilities? Answer: To prevent file inclusion vulnerabilities, developers should use secure coding practices, validate user input, and limit file permissions.

11. What is the OWASP Top 10? Answer: The OWASP Top 10 is a list of the ten most critical web application security risks identified by the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

12. What are some best practices for application security? Answer: Best practices for application security include using secure coding practices, conducting regular vulnerability assessments, implementing security policies, and providing user education.

13. What is a vulnerability assessment? Answer: A vulnerability assessment is a process of identifying and evaluating security vulnerabilities in a software application.

14. What is a penetration test? Answer: A penetration test is a simulated attack on a software application to identify vulnerabilities and test the effectiveness of security controls.

15. What is a web application firewall (WAF)? Answer: A web application firewall (WAF) is a security solution that filters, monitors, and blocks HTTP traffic to protect web applications from attacks.

16. What is a content delivery network (CDN)? Answer: A content delivery network (CDN) is a network of servers that deliver content to users based on their geographic location, to improve website performance and security.

17. What is two-factor authentication (2FA)? Answer: Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a security mechanism that requires users to provide two forms of authentication to access an application, such as a password and a one-time code.

18. What is single sign-on (SSO)? Answer: Single sign-on (SSO) is a mechanism that allows users to access multiple applications using a single set of credentials, improving user experience and security.

products/ict/cloud_computing/alibaba_cloud/cloud_security/application_security_questions.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/12 12:28 by wikiadmin