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1. What is Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution is a cloud-based security service that provides protection against DDoS attacks.

2. What types of DDoS attacks does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution protect against? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution can protect against different types of DDoS attacks, including volumetric, application-layer, and protocol attacks.

3. How does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution detect and mitigate DDoS attacks? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution uses various detection and mitigation techniques, including traffic profiling, anomaly detection, and scrubbing, to detect and mitigate DDoS attacks.

4. Can Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution protect against multi-vector attacks? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution can protect against multi-vector attacks, which involve multiple types of DDoS attacks.

5. Does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution provide real-time monitoring and reporting? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution provides real-time monitoring and reporting of DDoS attacks, enabling you to track the status of attacks and take appropriate action.

6. What are the benefits of using Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution? Answer: Some benefits of using Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution include improved website and application availability, reduced downtime, and protection against revenue loss and reputation damage.

7. Can Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution be customized to meet specific security needs? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution can be customized to meet specific security needs, including custom protection rules and policies.

8. What is the pricing model for Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution? Answer: The pricing model for Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution is based on the size and complexity of your network and the level of protection you require.

9. How does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution integrate with other security solutions? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution can integrate with other Alibaba Cloud security solutions, such as Web Application Firewall (WAF), to provide comprehensive security protection.

10. Does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution support multi-region deployment? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution supports multi-region deployment, which ensures that your network is protected against DDoS attacks across different regions.

11. What is the service level agreement (SLA) for Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution? Answer: The SLA for Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution guarantees a response time of 5 minutes and a mitigation time of less than 2 hours for DDoS attacks.

12. How does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution protect against application-layer attacks? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution uses deep packet inspection (DPI) and behavior analysis to protect against application-layer attacks, which target specific applications or services.

13. Can Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution be deployed on-premises? Answer: No, Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution is a cloud-based service and can only be deployed on Alibaba Cloud.

14. Does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution provide protection against SSL-based attacks? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution provides protection against SSL-based attacks, which target the SSL/TLS layer of the network.

15. What is the maximum traffic capacity that Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution can handle? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution can handle up to 1 Tbps of traffic capacity.

16. How does Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution protect against distributed reflection denial-of-service (DrDoS) attacks? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Anti-DDoS Solution uses IP reputation and rate limiting to protect against DrDoS attacks, which exploit vulnerable services to amplify DDoS traffic.

products/ict/cloud_computing/alibaba_cloud/cloud_security/anti_ddos_questions.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/12 12:06 by wikiadmin