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Module 9: Review and Adjust

Monitoring and Evaluation:

Procedures for ongoing monitoring of marketing initiatives.

Scheduled review points to assess performance.

Adjustment Strategies:

Guidelines for making adjustments based on performance data.

Consideration of market changes and trends.

Workbook Conclusion

Conclusion and Next Steps:

Recap of key elements covered in the workbook.

Encouragement to regularly revisit and update the marketing plan.

Additional Resources:

References and recommended reading.

Links to relevant tools and templates.

  Open Floor for Questions:
      Participants ask questions and seek clarification.
  Key Takeaways and Action Items:
      Recap of workshop highlights.
      Participants identify action items for implementation.
  Workshop Evaluation:
      Collect feedback from participants to improve future workshops.


- Mid-term Exam: Assessing theoretical knowledge

- Group Projects: Evaluating practical application of concepts

- Final Exam: Testing overall understanding of the course content

marketing/course/summary.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/25 18:21 by wikiadmin