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Remote assistants wanted.

Location : Preferably in Karachi.


Salary Rs 50,000 per month for 5 days per week.

Rs 10,000 per month for 1 day per week part time.

Rs 250 per hour for time based tasks.

Tasks :

Data entry.

Responding to chats.

Responding to calls.

Sending messages.

Monitoring of systems ( no programming required )

Assisting desktop and mobile users in user related tasks.

Other tasks which can be done remotely.

Tasks which require a person to be in Karachi.

Timings :

Currently for work related to customers in Dubai.

So timings can be according to GMT+4.

Most probable timings are 9:00 - 17:00 UAE Time GMT+4.

In the future it can be for customers in Karachi and US so the timings shall be different later.

Send expression of interest to with the subject line “Remote assistant EOI”

business/human_resources/remote_assistants.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/10 12:32 by wikiadmin