Course Title: Python Web Development

Course Duration: [X] Weeks

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of Python programming (variables, loops, functions, and basic data structures).

### Module 1: Introduction to Web Development

Duration: 1-2 weeks

- Understanding the web development landscape

- Introduction to front-end vs. back-end development

- Overview of web technologies (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

- Setting up a development environment

### Module 2: Building Static Websites with HTML and CSS

Duration: 2-3 weeks

- HTML basics (tags, elements, attributes)

- Structuring web content with HTML

- CSS fundamentals (selectors, properties, values)

- Styling web pages with CSS

- Creating responsive web designs

- CSS frameworks (e.g., Bootstrap)

### Module 3: Introduction to Python Web Frameworks

Duration: 1 week

- Overview of Python web frameworks (Django, Flask, etc.)

- Choosing the right framework for your project

- Setting up a virtual environment

### Module 4: Getting Started with Flask

Duration: 2-3 weeks

- Installing Flask

- Creating a simple Flask web application

- Routing and URL handling

- Templating with Jinja2

- Handling forms and user input

### Module 5: Building a Blog Application with Flask

Duration: 3-4 weeks

- Structuring a Flask project

- Creating a database with SQLite or another database system

- User authentication and authorization

- CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete)

- Implementing user comments

- Deploying a Flask application to a web server (e.g., Heroku)

### Module 6: Introduction to Django

Duration: 2-3 weeks

- Installing Django

- Creating a Django project and app

- Django models and databases

- Admin panel and automatic admin interface

- Views and templates in Django

### Module 7: Building a To-Do List Application with Django

Duration: 3-4 weeks

- Implementing user registration and authentication

- Creating a to-do list model

- Creating views and templates for task management

- Handling user input and forms

- Deploying a Django application (e.g., using PythonAnywhere or Heroku)

### Module 8: Web APIs and Django REST framework

Duration: 2-3 weeks

- Introduction to RESTful architecture

- Building RESTful APIs with Django REST framework

- Serializers and views

- Authentication and permissions

- Consuming APIs with Python (e.g., using the requests library)

### Module 9: Front-End Frameworks (Optional)

Duration: 2-3 weeks (Optional)

- Introduction to front-end JavaScript frameworks (e.g., React, Vue.js)

- Integrating a front-end framework with your Python backend

### Module 10: Deployment and Scaling

Duration: 2-3 weeks

- Preparing your application for production

- Choosing a production-ready web server (e.g., Gunicorn, uWSGI)

- Hosting options and server deployment (e.g., AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)

- Load balancing and scaling strategies

### Module 11: Security and Best Practices

Duration: 2-3 weeks

- Web security fundamentals (HTTPS, SQL injection, XSS)

- Implementing security measures in your web application

- Performance optimization and caching

- Continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines

### Module 12: Final Project

Duration: 4-6 weeks

- Capstone project: Develop a complete web application using your chosen framework(s)

- Integration of multiple concepts learned throughout the course

- Presentation and demonstration of the final project

### Module 13: Conclusion and Next Steps

- Course review and recap

- Guidance on further learning and specialization in web development

Please note that the duration mentioned for each module is approximate and can vary based on the pace of learning and the depth of coverage. Additionally, you may need to adjust the content and order of topics to suit the needs and skill levels of your target audience.