Module 6: Basic Syntax of IP Tables Commands

Lesson 1: Introduction to IP Tables Commands - Overview of the command-line interface for IP tables - Understanding the structure of IP tables commands - Importance of proper syntax for rule creation and management

Lesson 2: General Syntax of IP Tables Commands - Components of an IP tables command: `iptables`, table, chain, rule options - Specifying the target action for a rule - Using options and arguments to define rule criteria

Lesson 3: Common Command-Line Options - `-A`, `-I`, and `-D`: Appending, inserting, and deleting rules - `-P`: Setting default policies for chains - `-S`: Displaying rules in a human-readable format

Lesson 4: Specifying Source and Destination - Using `-s` and `-d` options to define source and destination IP addresses - Working with CIDR notation and IP ranges - Handling hostnames and resolving them to IP addresses

Lesson 5: Port-Based Filtering - Specifying source and destination ports with `-sport` and `-dport` - Filtering packets based on TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols - Handling port ranges and multiple port definitions

Activity: Creating Basic IP Tables Rules - Hands-on exercise: Creating rules to allow or deny specific traffic - Using different command-line options to set up rules - Verifying the effects of the created rules

Module 6 Assignment: Rule Creation and Documentation - Write a step-by-step guide for creating a basic IP tables rule - Document the process, including options, arguments, and explanations

Upon completing Module 6, learners will be well-versed in the basic syntax of IP tables commands. They will understand how to use command-line options to specify rule actions, source and destination addresses, port filtering, and more. This foundational knowledge will enable them to start creating and managing firewall rules effectively.