Governance and Compliance in Technology Investments

1. Introduction to Regulatory Requirements and Compliance Standards:

  1. Overview of regulatory requirements and compliance standards relevant to technology investments, including data privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA), cybersecurity requirements, industry-specific regulations (e.g., HIPAA for healthcare), and international standards (e.g., ISO 27001).
  2. Explanation of the legal and regulatory landscape governing technology investments and the implications for organizational compliance and risk management.

2. Understanding Compliance Challenges in Technology Investments:

  1. Examination of common compliance challenges and risks associated with technology investments, such as data breaches, regulatory fines, legal liabilities, and reputational damage.
  2. Analysis of the consequences of non-compliance and the importance of proactive compliance management in mitigating risks and protecting organizational interests.

3. Establishing Governance Frameworks and Controls:

  1. Strategies for establishing governance frameworks and controls to ensure accountability, transparency, and compliance in technology investments.
  2. Components of effective governance frameworks, including policies, procedures, roles and responsibilities, oversight mechanisms, and escalation processes.
  3. Techniques for integrating compliance requirements into governance structures and decision-making processes across the technology investment lifecycle.

4. Compliance Monitoring and Reporting:

  1. Techniques for monitoring and assessing compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies governing technology investments.
  2. Establishing compliance monitoring processes, controls, and metrics to track adherence to regulatory standards and identify areas for improvement.
  3. Strategies for reporting compliance status and performance to key stakeholders, including executives, board members, regulatory authorities, and auditors.

5. Balancing Innovation and Risk Management:

  1. Discussion on balancing innovation and risk management within the context of regulatory compliance and corporate governance.
  2. Techniques for integrating compliance considerations into innovation processes, technology roadmaps, and investment decisions.
  3. Importance of fostering a culture of compliance and risk-awareness while promoting innovation and agility in technology leadership.

6. Third-Party Risk Management and Vendor Due Diligence:

  1. Strategies for managing third-party risks associated with technology investments, including vendors, suppliers, and service providers.
  2. Techniques for conducting vendor due diligence, assessing third-party compliance with regulatory requirements, and mitigating risks through contractual provisions and oversight mechanisms.
  3. Importance of establishing robust vendor management processes and controls to minimize exposure to compliance risks and ensure the integrity of technology supply chains.

7. Ethical and Social Responsibility Considerations:

  1. Exploration of ethical and social responsibility considerations in governance and compliance for technology investments.
  2. Discussion on ethical dilemmas, corporate citizenship, and sustainability practices within the context of regulatory compliance and corporate governance.
  3. Strategies for promoting ethical behavior, diversity and inclusion, and environmental sustainability in technology leadership practices.

This course aims to provide technology leaders with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to navigate governance and compliance challenges in technology investments effectively. Through a combination of theoretical concepts, practical examples, case studies, and interactive discussions, participants will gain insights into regulatory requirements, governance frameworks, compliance monitoring, risk management strategies, and ethical considerations relevant to technology investments.