Subnetting a network using Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) involves dividing a network into multiple subnets of varying sizes to efficiently allocate IP addresses based on the specific requirements of each subnet. VLSM allows for more precise allocation of IP addresses compared to traditional subnetting methods. Here's a step-by-step guide to subnetting a network using VLSM:

1. Determine Network Requirements:

  1. Identify the network's requirements, including the number of subnets needed and the number of hosts required in each subnet.
  2. Consider factors such as current and future network growth, geographical locations, and organizational requirements.

2. Choose an Initial Subnetting Scheme:

  1. Start by subnetting the network into larger subnets based on the highest requirement.
  2. Use a subnet mask that accommodates the maximum number of hosts needed in any subnet.

3. Calculate Subnet Sizes:

  1. Determine the number of bits required for each subnet based on the number of hosts needed.
  2. Calculate the subnet size for each subnet using the formula \(2^{(32 - \text{subnet mask length})}\).
  3. Ensure that each subnet size is sufficient to accommodate the required number of hosts plus network and broadcast addresses.

4. Allocate Subnet Addresses:

  1. Assign subnet addresses to each subnet, starting with the largest subnet and working down to smaller subnets.
  2. Ensure that subnet addresses are assigned in a hierarchical manner to facilitate routing and network management.

5. Determine Subnet Mask Lengths:

  1. Choose subnet mask lengths (/n notation) for each subnet based on the calculated subnet sizes.
  2. Use longer subnet mask lengths for larger subnets and shorter mask lengths for smaller subnets.

6. Verify and Test Subnet Configuration:

  1. Verify that the subnetting scheme meets the network requirements and does not result in any IP address conflicts.
  2. Test connectivity between devices within and across subnets to ensure proper routing and communication.

7. Document Subnetting Scheme:

  1. Document the VLSM subnetting scheme, including subnet addresses, subnet mask lengths, and the number of hosts in each subnet.
  2. Keep records of the subnet allocations and any changes made to the network configuration.

8. Implement Subnetting Scheme:

  1. Configure network devices (routers, switches, etc.) with the appropriate subnet masks and routing information.
  2. Assign IP addresses to devices within each subnet according to the subnetting scheme.

By following these steps, you can subnet a network using Variable Length Subnet Masking (VLSM) to efficiently allocate IP addresses and meet the specific requirements of each subnet within the network. VLSM allows for flexibility and precision in IP address allocation, resulting in optimized network performance and resource utilization.