RITM 200


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OKBM_Afrikantov OKBM Afrikantov

Breeder reactor

KLT-40 reactor

The KLT-40 family are nuclear fission reactors originating from OK-150 and OK-900 ship reactors. KLT-40 were developed to power the Taymyr-class icebreakers (KLT-40M, 171 MW) and the LASH carrier Sevmorput (KLT-40, 135 MW).[1] They are pressurized water reactors (PWR) fueled by either 30–40% or 90%[note 1] enriched uranium-235 fuel to produce 135 to 171 MW of thermal power.[2]

The KLT-40S variant is used in the Russian floating nuclear power station Akademik Lomonosov. It was developed by OKBM Afrikantov and produced by NMZ. The KLT-40S produces 150 MW thermal (about 52 MWe at 35% efficiency). It uses low-enriched uranium (LEU) fuel enriched below 20%, averaging at 14.1% enrichment, and has a fuel cycle of 3 years.[3]

The KLT-40 design was further improved and evolved into RITM-200 family of SMR.

Project 22220 icebreaker

Rosatom to begin work on land-based SMR

Scientific-Technical and Economic Aspects For Development Of Innovative Reactor Plants For Small And Medium Nuclear Power Plants

The Big Future of Small Power

The future of nuclear energy is closely intertwined with small modular reactors. For several decades now Rosatom has been involved in the development and safe operation of low-power reactors. Russia’s small reactor technologies underlie a great number of designs, including the world’s first nuclear power plant, nuclear icebreaker fleet, and the only floating power plant in the world.

Icebreaker Reactor Approved for Ground-Based Nuclear Plant

Feasibility study agreed for new nuclear in Kyrgyz Republic

Rosatom manufactures nuclear fuel assembly for the first land-based SMR] [[https://www.nucnet.org/news/russia-signs-agreement-to-help-develop-smrs-1-1-2022| Kyrgyzstan / Russia Signs Agreement To Help Develop SMRs

Russia / Tvel Manufactures Experimental Fuel Assembly For First Land-Based SMR

SLOWPOKE reactor

Small Nuclear Power Reactors world-nuclear.org

B&W mPower

B&W mPower

BWXT mPower™

mPower: an obituary

Bechtel And BWXT Quietly Terminate mPower Reactor Project

B&W mPower Reactor Control Room Simulator Begins Operations

The mPower Modular Reactor

Thermal-hydraulic design of the B&W mPOWER™ SMR

Small Is the New Big: The B&W Small Modular Reactor

B&W mPower cover story about lack of interest is bogus


Development History

System-Integrated Modular Advanced Reactor (SMART)

Saudi Arabia teams up with Korea on SMART

SMART accident simulation - Korea’s SMR test loop

Saudi Arabia and Korea sign agreement for development of SMART nuclear reactor

Small Modular Reactor Export from S. Korea in Jeopardy

ROK / KSA deal for 100 MW SMART Reactor could be a model for U.S.

KAERI promotes SMART reactors at IAEA meeting

Solid Partnership between Korea and Saudi Arabia on Small Reactor (SMART) Development


China HTR-PM




Westinghouse SMR

Westinghouse Lead Fast Reactor

GE Hitachi

GE Hitachi Nuclear Plants

GE Hitachi BWRX 300

Holtec SMR 160

Argentina CAREM