LENR - Cold Fusion : David Knight interviews Robert George of Brillouine Energy 5/8/2016

Disruptive - Striking evidence making the core of LENR



“Who ordered that?” quipped Isidor Isaac Rabi famously. Circa 1936 - 1939

“I ordered it.” said Khawar Nehal in a whisper. 16 Oct 2020

Who ordered that ?

Who ordered all of that?

Who ordered that? An unexpected new particle shakes the Standard Model

Mu2e, or the Muon-to-Electron Conversion Experiment

Neutrino theory of light

These experimental results of Brillouin Energy's LENR prototype systems are collected using industry-standard calorimetry and have been verified by an independent third party, SRI International. Brillouin conducts frequent tests to measure their reactors' heat and COP levels, which have been increasing steadily since the first major milestones were achieved in early 2018.

LENR energy: Science or pseudoscience?

Cold fusion 3: commercial future and Asia