ISO 20022 for API & New Technologies

Funds Transfer Regulation – ‘How to’ interpretative guidance


SBP Payment systems glossary

SBP Payment Systems

ISO 20022

New Message Format for the Fedwire® Funds Service

Implementation of ISO® 20022 Payment Messages for U.S. Wire Transfer Systems

Prowide ISO 20022

Prowide ISO 20022 is an open source Java library for managing ISO 20022 messages. The project used to be part of a commercial product and was released ad open source in 2020. The library is production ready and commercially supported.

prowide / prowide-iso20022

i20022 Project

i20022 Project

The i20022 (I-TWENTY-OH-TWO-TWO) Project was founded by IT professionals with broad experience in Financial Services to promote and disseminate the ISO 20022 Standard by building a fully-functional software framework and messaging system based on top of Microsoft® .NETtm technologies. It was idealized in March, 2008 by Mauricio Leventer - a software architect specialized in this field.

MCore: ISO 20022

ISO20022 has been introduced to tackle the complexity of up to 1000 different messaging formats standardized in finance. It has a metamodel aligned with the related IT standards XBRL for accounting and BIAN for intra bank services.


Node.js EBICS Client - compliant with ISO 20022


Tools20022 Java API for ISO 20022


Convert ISO 20022 to the ledger-cli plain text accounting format or optionally to plain old csv.

ISO20022 (related repositories and tools) Related repositories and tools

Payment Components


ISO 20022 camt.53 (account statement) mapping to RDF

A single standardisation approach (methodology, process, repository) to be used by all financial standards initiatives


Assessing Compliance with BSA Regulatory Requirements Funds Transfers Recordkeeping—Overview

Fundamentals oF the Funds transFer proCess

EU Wire Transfer Regulation (WTR): REGULATION (EU) 2015/847 (WTR)

Recommendation 16: Wire transfers

FDIC Law, Regulations, Related Acts

Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA)