A break-even analysis helps determine the point at which a business's total revenues equal its total expenses, resulting in neither profit nor loss. Factors such as fixed costs, variable costs, and pricing structure influence the break-even point. Below is a simplified break-even analysis for [Your Company Name] in the Dubai computer services market:

### Break-Even Analysis for [Your Company Name] - Dubai Computer Services

#### Fixed Costs:

1. Rent and Utilities: AED [X]

2. Salaries and Benefits: AED [Y]

3. Office Supplies: AED [Z]

4. Technology and Equipment: AED [W]

5. Marketing Expenses: AED [V]

6. Employee Development and Training: AED [U]

7. Travel and Accommodation: AED [T]

8. Insurance and Legal: AED [S]

9. Miscellaneous Costs: AED [R]

10. Total Fixed Costs: AED [Total Fixed Costs]

#### Variable Costs per Unit:

11. Direct Labor and Variable Overheads: AED [Variable Cost per Unit]

#### Average Revenue per Unit:

12. Average Revenue per Service: AED [Average Revenue per Service]

Break-Even Point in Units:

Break-Even Point (in Units)=Total Fixed CostsAverage Revenue per Service−Variable Cost per UnitBreak-Even Point (in Units)=Average Revenue per Service−Variable Cost per UnitTotal Fixed Costs​ Break-Even Point in Revenue:

Break-Even Point (in AED)=Break-Even Point (in Units)×Average Revenue per Service Break-Even Point (in AED)=Break-Even Point (in Units)×Average Revenue per Service

#### Break-Even Point in Units:

\[ \text{Break-Even Point (in Units)} = \frac{\text{Total Fixed Costs}}{\text{Average Revenue per Service} - \text{Variable Cost per Unit}} \]

#### Break-Even Point in Revenue:

\[ \text{Break-Even Point (in AED)} = \text{Break-Even Point (in Units)} \times \text{Average Revenue per Service} \]

### Considerations:

- The break-even analysis provides a point of reference for financial planning and decision-making. - Regularly revisit and update the analysis as business conditions change. - The break-even point can be affected by changes in pricing, cost structure, or market conditions.

### Conclusion:

The break-even analysis for [Your Company Name] will assist in determining the threshold at which the business covers its costs and begins generating profits. As the company gains traction in the Dubai computer services market, adjustments can be made to the analysis to reflect changing dynamics and optimize financial performance.