====== Desktop Linux skills ====== ### Basic Command Line Skills 1. **Navigation and File Management** - Commands: `ls`, `cd`, `pwd`, `mkdir`, `rmdir`, `rm`, `cp`, `mv` - Understand the filesystem hierarchy: `/`, `/home`, `/etc`, `/var`, `/usr`, etc. 2. **File Permissions and Ownership** - Commands: `chmod`, `chown`, `chgrp` - Understanding of permission notation (rwx) and how to modify them. 3. **Text Editing** - Basic usage of text editors: `nano`, `vim`, or `emacs`. 4. **Searching and Processing Text** - Commands: `grep`, `find`, `locate`, `awk`, `sed` 5. **File Compression and Archiving** - Commands: `tar`, `gzip`, `gunzip`, `zip`, `unzip` ### System Monitoring and Management 1. **Process Management** - Commands: `ps`, `top`, `htop`, `kill`, `killall`, `bg`, `fg`, `jobs` 2. **System Resource Monitoring** - Commands: `df`, `du`, `free`, `uptime` 3. **Package Management** - Understanding of package managers: `apt` (Debian/Ubuntu), `yum` or `dnf` (CentOS/Fedora), `pacman` (Arch) 4. **Service Management** - Commands: `systemctl`, `service` - Managing services: starting, stopping, enabling, and disabling. ### Networking 1. **Basic Networking Commands** - Commands: `ifconfig`, `ip`, `ping`, `netstat`, `ss`, `traceroute`, `nslookup`, `dig` 2. **SSH and Remote Management** - Command: `ssh` - Basics of configuring SSH keys and connecting to remote systems. ### Scripting 1. **Shell Scripting** - Basics of writing and running shell scripts. - Understanding of common scripting constructs: loops, conditionals, functions. ### Desktop Environment Management 1. **Installing and Customizing Desktop Environments** - Installation and configuration of different desktop environments (GNOME, KDE, XFCE, etc.) - Customizing the desktop environment to suit your needs. 2. **Using GUI Tools** - Familiarity with common GUI tools for file management, system settings, and application installation. ### Security 1. **Basic Security Practices** - Understanding of firewalls: `ufw`, `firewalld` - Basics of user and group management: `useradd`, `usermod`, `groupadd`, `passwd` ### Advanced Topics 1. **Virtualization** - Basics of using virtualization tools like VirtualBox, KVM, or VMware. 2. **Docker and Containerization** - Understanding and usage of Docker for containerizing applications. 3. **Version Control with Git** - Basic commands and workflows of `git`. An other skills. You can list them here and color code them.