ltsp install mx linux install in vm bridged adapter system booting setup on startup apt-get update apt install --install-recommends ltsp ltsp-binaries dnsmasq nfs-kernel-server openssh-server squashfs-tools ethtool net-tools epoptes root@mx:~# apt install --install-recommends ltsp ltsp-binaries dnsmasq nfs-kernel-server openssh-server squashfs-tools ethtool net-tools epoptes Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree... Done Reading state information... Done Package ltsp-binaries is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source E: Package 'ltsp-binaries' has no installation candidate in docs Replace administrator with the administrator username. If you're not using the PPA, also replace ltsp-binaries with ipxe. Description of the aforementioned packages: new command root@mx:~# apt install --install-recommends ltsp ipxe dnsmasq nfs-kernel-server openssh-server squashfs-tools ethtool net-tools epoptes gpasswd -a administrator epoptes -> gpasswd -a khawar epoptes from the gpasswd man page The gpasswd command is used to administer /etc/group, and /etc/gshadow. Every group can have administrators, members and a password. gpasswd -a khawar epoptes Adding user khawar to group epoptes ltsp dnsmasq root@mx:~# ltsp dnsmasq Installed /usr/share/ltsp/server/dnsmasq/ltsp-dnsmasq.conf in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp-dnsmasq.conf Restarted dnsmasq ltsp image / root@mx:~# ltsp image / Using x86_64 as the base name of image / Running: mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 tmpfs /tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/tmpfs Running: mount -t overlay -o upperdir=/tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/tmpfs/0/up,lowerdir=/,workdir=/tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/tmpfs/0/work /tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/tmpfs /tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/root/ Trying to acquire package management lock: /var/lib/dpkg/lock Cleaning up x86_64 before mksquashfs... Replacing /tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key Replacing /tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key Replacing /tmp/tmp.BlkTqlwGo1/root/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key ...+.............+..+....+...........+....+.....+.+...+...........+....+..+...+......+.+......+...+......+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*.........+.+..+................+..+...+.........+.+..+....+...+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*...+.....+.............+...............+..+...+....+..+.+............+........+.........+.+.........+........+.+...............+.........+.....+.......+...........+...+......+.+..+......+....+..+.+...................................+....+.........+..+...+....+..+...+...............+......+.+......+........+.+......+...+.........+...+...+..+....+.....+....+..+.............+..+....+.....+.+.........+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .....+.+..+....+...+...+.....+...+.+.....+....+.....+.......+.....+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*........+......+....+.........+.....+.+......+........+.+.....+....+...+...............+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*........+..+...+....+..+...+...+.......+..+....+...........+.+...+..+.............+.........+............+...+..+.........+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ----- Parallel mksquashfs: Using 1 processor Creating 4.0 filesystem on /srv/ltsp/images/x86_64.img.tmp, block size 131072. [=======================================================================================================================================================================================| ] 260915/261123 99% Unrecognised xattr prefix system.posix_acl_access Unrecognised xattr prefix system.posix_acl_default [========================================================================================================================================================================================|] 261123/261123 100% Exportable Squashfs 4.0 filesystem, gzip compressed, data block size 131072 compressed data, compressed metadata, compressed fragments, compressed xattrs, compressed ids duplicates are removed Filesystem size 2481975.71 Kbytes (2423.80 Mbytes) 30.02% of uncompressed filesystem size (8266680.00 Kbytes) Inode table size 3101131 bytes (3028.45 Kbytes) 28.05% of uncompressed inode table size (11053920 bytes) Directory table size 3352099 bytes (3273.53 Kbytes) 40.32% of uncompressed directory table size (8313607 bytes) Xattr table size 71 bytes (0.07 Kbytes) 65.14% of uncompressed xattr table size (109 bytes) Number of duplicate files found 23582 Number of inodes 310872 Number of files 219076 Number of fragments 12198 Number of symbolic links 76669 Number of device nodes 0 Number of fifo nodes 0 Number of socket nodes 0 Number of directories 15127 Number of hard-links 39 Number of ids (unique uids + gids) 33 Number of uids 12 root (0) saned (111) _apt (42) polkitd (996) statd (107) tss (101) speech-dispatcher (109) lightdm (108) man (6) _chrony (102) colord (113) nm-openvpn (114) Number of gids 28 root (0) dip (30) _chrony (111) lp (7) shadow (42) ssl-cert (107) dialout (20) crontab (101) mail (8) plocate (115) plugdev (46) _ssh (112) games (60) messagebus (109) tty (5) utmp (43) staff (50) lpadmin (108) man (12) colord (122) lightdm (117) nogroup (65534) nm-openvpn (123) sambashare (997) saned (120) tss (110) adm (4) systemd-journal (999) Running: ltsp kernel /srv/ltsp/images/x86_64.img Running: mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 tmpfs /tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/tmpfs Running: mount -t squashfs -o ro /srv/ltsp/images/x86_64.img /tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/tmpfs/0/looproot Running: mount -t overlay -o upperdir=/tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/tmpfs/0/up,lowerdir=/tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/tmpfs/0/looproot,workdir=/tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/tmpfs/0/work /tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/tmpfs /tmp/tmp.gYvU0qdtly/root/ -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 92482385 Sep 13 17:25 /srv/tftp/ltsp/x86_64/initrd.img -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10224128 May 11 12:13 /srv/tftp/ltsp/x86_64/vmlinuz To update the iPXE menu, run: ltsp ipxe to do ltsp ipxe root@mx:~# ltsp ipxe Installed /usr/share/ltsp/server/ipxe/ltsp.ipxe in /srv/tftp/ltsp/ltsp.ipxe Installed /boot/memtest86+ia32.bin in /srv/tftp/ltsp/memtest.0 Installed /boot/memtest86+x64.efi in /srv/tftp/ltsp/memtest.efi Installed /usr/lib/ipxe/snponly.efi in /srv/tftp/ltsp/snponly.efi Installed /usr/lib/ipxe/undionly.kpxe in /srv/tftp/ltsp/undionly.kpxe ltsp nfs root@mx:~# ltsp nfs Installed /usr/share/ltsp/server/nfs/ltsp-nfs.exports in /etc/exports.d/ltsp-nfs.exports Restarted nfs-kernel-server ltsp initrd root@mx:~# ltsp initrd Generated ltsp.img: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 161280 Sep 13 17:48 /srv/tftp/ltsp/ltsp.img Created a vm with bridged adapter and network boot no harddisk client no march. rebooted ltsp server machine retrying client ltsp partial was running on host machine. apt-get remove ltsp and apt-get remove ipxe done on host machine. removed dns-masq from host machine. TFTP finally not on port 69 added second network card on ltsp vm server. Set fixed IP then executed root@mx:~# ltsp dnsmasq --proxy-dhcp=0 Installed /usr/share/ltsp/server/dnsmasq/ltsp-dnsmasq.conf in /etc/dnsmasq.d/ltsp-dnsmasq.conf Restarted dnsmasq root@mx:~# running ltsp image / and ltsp ipxe to see if it sets the server ( update running config ) ltsp image / ( this command takes a long time and might not be required ) next time just use ltsp ipxe set both ltsp server and ltsp client VMs to connect to internal network for networking. So the ltsp client shall see the ltsp server instead of the WLAN0 card and shall avoid the WIFI DHCP. ltsp initrd Generated ltsp.img: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 161280 Sep 13 20:05 /srv/tftp/ltsp/ltsp.img ufw disable this seems to have worked. ufw disable is not in the documentation. Needed for MX linux now testing with wlan0 server set to via wlan0 bridge.