[[https://www.thegeekdiary.com/configuring-remote-logging-using-rsyslog-in-centos-rhel/|Configuring Remote Logging using rsyslog in CentOS/RHEL]] {{:restricted-area-for-courses:linux:syslog_1585547253712a.jpg?400|}} [[https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/128156/remote-syslog-command-line-client|Remote syslog command line Client]] Rsyslog is a popular system logging daemon in Unix and Unix-like operating systems that allows you to collect, process, and distribute log messages generated by various software and hardware components on your system. It is highly configurable and provides advanced features for log management. **1. Installation:** Ensure that rsyslog is installed on your system. You can typically install it using your package manager (e.g., `apt`, `yum`, or `dnf`). **2. Configuration Files:** Rsyslog configuration files are usually located in the `/etc/rsyslog.d/` directory. The main configuration file is `/etc/rsyslog.conf`, but it's best to create separate configuration files in `/etc/rsyslog.d/` for better organization and to avoid modifying the main file. **3. Basic Configuration:** Here's a basic configuration to get you started. Create a new file in `/etc/rsyslog.d/` (e.g., `/etc/rsyslog.d/my_syslog.conf`) and add the following: ```shell # Log all messages to /var/log/syslog *.* /var/log/syslog ``` This configuration instructs rsyslog to log all messages (from all facilities and priorities) to the `/var/log/syslog` file. **4. Restart Rsyslog:** After making changes to the configuration, restart the rsyslog service to apply the new settings: ```shell sudo systemctl restart rsyslog ``` **5. Filtering and Routing:** Rsyslog allows you to filter and route log messages based on various criteria like severity, facility, or source. For example, to send kernel messages to a separate file, you can add the following to your configuration: ```shell # Log kernel messages to /var/log/kern.log kern.* /var/log/kern.log ``` You can create custom log files for different services, applications, or facilities. **6. Templates:** Rsyslog provides templates to format log messages. You can create custom templates to control the format of log entries. For instance: ```shell # Define a template for log messages template(name="my_template" type="string" string="%msg%\n") # Use the template for a specific log file *.* /var/log/my_custom.log;my_template ``` **7. Remote Logging:** You can configure rsyslog to accept remote log messages and forward them to a central logging server. To enable remote logging, edit your configuration file: ```shell # Accept remote logs and forward them to another server *.* @@remote_server_ip:514 ``` Replace `remote_server_ip` with the IP address of your remote logging server. **8. Log Rotation:** Implement log rotation to prevent log files from growing indefinitely. You can use tools like `logrotate` or configure log rotation in the rsyslog configuration. For example, to rotate logs daily and keep 7 days' worth of logs: ```shell /var/log/syslog { rotate 7 daily missingok notifempty compress delaycompress postrotate /usr/bin/killall -HUP rsyslogd endscript } ``` **9. Advanced Features:** Rsyslog offers many advanced features, including rate limiting, log enrichment, and more. Refer to the rsyslog documentation for details on how to use these features. **10. Monitoring Logs:** You can use various tools like `tail`, `grep`, `less`, or log analysis software to monitor and search through your log files. Remember to regularly check your logs for important system information and potential issues. Rsyslog provides a flexible and powerful way to manage and centralize your system logs, making it easier to troubleshoot problems and monitor system performance. ------- ====== Difference between syslog and rsyslog ====== Syslog and rsyslog are both components of the system logging infrastructure in Unix and Unix-like operating systems, but there are important differences between them: 1. **Syslog (syslogd):** - **Legacy Daemon:** Syslog, often referred to as `syslogd`, is the original and legacy system logging daemon. It has been around for a long time and is still found on many Unix-based systems. - **Basic Functionality:** Syslog provides basic logging functionality, allowing the logging of messages from various processes and facilities to specified log files or remote servers. - **Limited Features:** Syslog has limited filtering and routing capabilities compared to rsyslog, making it less flexible and versatile. 2. **Rsyslog:** - **Modern Replacement:** Rsyslog is an enhanced and more modern version of syslogd. It was developed to address the limitations of syslog and provide additional features and flexibility. - **Advanced Features:** Rsyslog offers a wide range of advanced features, including flexible message filtering, log message enrichment, support for structured log formats (like JSON), rate limiting, and more. - **Compatibility:** Rsyslog is compatible with traditional syslog configurations, so it can be used as a drop-in replacement for syslogd. - **Modularity:** Rsyslog is highly modular, allowing you to extend its functionality with plugins and modules. This makes it more adaptable to different logging requirements. - **Performance:** Rsyslog is often considered more efficient and scalable than syslogd, making it a better choice for high-performance environments. - **Reliability:** Rsyslog includes features like disk and memory buffers to ensure that log messages are not lost even during high loads or when the logging system experiences temporary issues. In summary, while syslogd (syslog) is the older and more basic logging daemon, rsyslog is a more feature-rich and modern replacement. Rsyslog is recommended for systems where advanced logging features, scalability, and reliability are important. However, on some legacy systems, syslogd may still be in use due to its simplicity and widespread adoption.