**Module 26: Port Forwarding and Masquerading with NAT in IP Tables** **Lesson 1: Understanding Port Forwarding** - Exploring the concept of port forwarding in NAT - Overview of how port forwarding enables external access to internal resources - Importance of port forwarding for hosting services and applications **Lesson 2: Port Forwarding Configuration (DNAT)** - Configuring DNAT rules for port forwarding using IP tables - Specifying destination IP addresses and ports for redirection - Addressing scenarios where port forwarding is necessary for resource accessibility **Lesson 3: Use Cases for Port Forwarding** - Applying port forwarding for hosting web servers, game servers, and more - Handling multiple port forwarding scenarios on the same external IP address - Ensuring security and access control when implementing port forwarding **Lesson 4: Understanding IP Masquerading** - Exploring the concept of IP masquerading as a form of SNAT - How IP masquerading dynamically selects a source IP for outgoing packets - Use cases for IP masquerading in NAT scenarios **Lesson 5: IP Masquerading Configuration (SNAT)** - Configuring IP masquerading rules for source address translation - Specifying the range of external IP addresses for masquerading - Addressing scenarios where IP masquerading enhances network connectivity **Activity: Port Forwarding and Masquerading Practice** - Guided exercise: Configuring port forwarding and IP masquerading rules for different scenarios - Demonstrating the effects of these NAT techniques on packet flow and resource accessibility - Testing rules to ensure proper functioning of port forwarding and masquerading configurations **Module 26 Assignment: NAT Techniques Strategy** - Develop a strategy for implementing port forwarding and masquerading in a given network environment - Explain how the chosen NAT techniques enhance network connectivity, security, and resource accessibility Upon completing Module 26, learners will have a solid understanding of port forwarding and masquerading in NAT using IP tables. They will be proficient in configuring DNAT rules for port forwarding and using IP masquerading (SNAT) to dynamically select source IP addresses. They will also understand how to apply these techniques to enhance resource accessibility and network functionality.