WSUS, which stands for Windows Server Update Services, is a Microsoft tool that enables IT administrators to manage the distribution of Microsoft updates released through Microsoft Update to computers in a corporate environment. WSUS is designed to help organizations efficiently deploy and manage updates for Windows operating systems and other Microsoft products. Here are key features and functions of WSUS: 1. **Patch Management:** WSUS allows administrators to control the distribution of Microsoft updates and patches, including security updates, critical updates, feature updates, and service packs. 2. **Centralized Update Repository:** WSUS serves as a centralized repository for storing and managing updates. Instead of each computer connecting to Microsoft Update individually, WSUS downloads and stores updates on the WSUS server. 3. **Update Approval:** Administrators can approve or decline specific updates. This means that not all updates are automatically deployed to all computers, giving IT teams control over which updates are applied in the organization. 4. **Update Synchronization:** WSUS can be configured to synchronize with Microsoft Update servers, ensuring that the WSUS server is updated with the latest updates available from Microsoft. 5. **Targeted Deployment:** WSUS enables administrators to target specific groups of computers or individual machines for updates. This helps ensure that updates are tested on a smaller scale before broader deployment. 6. **Reports and Monitoring:** WSUS provides reporting and monitoring tools to track the status of updates on managed computers, identify failed installations, and monitor the overall update compliance in the organization. 7. **Integration with Active Directory:** WSUS can be integrated with Active Directory to simplify the management of computer groups and update targeting. 8. **Bandwidth Control:** Administrators can configure WSUS to control the use of network bandwidth for update downloads and installations to prevent network congestion during peak usage times. 9. **Languages and Products:** WSUS supports updates in various languages and for a range of Microsoft products, including Windows Server, Windows clients, Microsoft Office, Exchange Server, and more. 10. **Offline Update Installation:** WSUS can be used to download updates to an offline repository, which is helpful for environments with restricted internet access. 11. **Automatic Updates Configuration:** Administrators can configure WSUS to automatically update client computers at specified times or allow users to install updates manually. WSUS is a valuable tool for organizations of all sizes to manage the deployment of Microsoft updates in a controlled and organized manner. It helps ensure that critical security updates are applied promptly while allowing for testing and phased deployment of other updates to minimize disruptions. WSUS is typically used in conjunction with Group Policy to configure client computers to connect to the WSUS server for update management.