Calculating subnet addresses and broadcast addresses involves determining the range of IP addresses available within each subnet after subnetting a network. Here's how to calculate subnet addresses and broadcast addresses: 1. **Given Information**: - You need to know the original network address (including its subnet mask) and how many subnets you are creating. 2. **Determine Subnet Mask Length**: - Decide on the subnet mask length based on the number of subnets needed and the number of hosts per subnet. - Convert the subnet mask length to binary to determine the subnet mask. For example, a subnet mask length of /26 translates to a subnet mask of in dotted-decimal notation. 3. **Calculate Number of Subnets**: - Determine the number of subnets created by the subnetting process. 4. **Calculate Subnet Size**: - Calculate the number of hosts per subnet, excluding the network address and broadcast address. - The formula for the number of hosts per subnet is: \(2^{(32 - \text{subnet mask length})} - 2\). 5. **Identify Subnet Range**: - Each subnet will have a range of usable IP addresses between the subnet's network address and its broadcast address. - To find the subnet address, start with the original network address and increment by the subnet size. - To find the broadcast address, start with the subnet address and subtract one from the next subnet's address. - Repeat this process for each subnet. 6. **Example**: - Let's say you're subnetting the network into four subnets. - The subnet mask length for four subnets is /26 (as \(2^2 = 4\), requiring two bits for subnetting). - The subnet mask for each subnet is - Each subnet will have \(2^{32 - 26} - 2 = 62\) usable IP addresses. - Calculating subnet addresses: - Subnet 1: (network) - (broadcast) - Subnet 2: (network) - (broadcast) - Subnet 3: (network) - (broadcast) - Subnet 4: (network) - (broadcast) By following these steps, you can accurately calculate the subnet addresses and broadcast addresses for each subnet after subnetting a network. This information is crucial for configuring network devices and allocating IP addresses within each subnet.