To convert a CSV (Comma-Separated Values) file to LDIF (LDAP Data Interchange Format). LDIF is a standard format used to represent directory entries in LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) systems. To perform the conversion, you'll need to specify the mapping between the CSV columns and the LDIF attributes. LDIF typically includes attributes like "dn" (distinguished name) and "objectClass" in addition to other specific attributes based on the directory schema you're working with. Here's an example Python code snippet that demonstrates how to convert a CSV file to LDIF using the `csv` and `ldif` modules: import csv import ldif def csv_to_ldif(csv_file, ldif_file): with open(csv_file, 'r') as file: reader = csv.DictReader(file) with open(ldif_file, 'w') as output_file: ldif_writer = ldif.LDIFWriter(output_file) for row in reader: dn = row['dn'] # Specify the column name for the distinguished name (dn) object_class = row['objectClass'] # Specify the column name for the objectClass attribute # Add more attribute mappings as needed # Create a dictionary of additional attributes based on column names and values attributes = { 'attribute1': row['column1'], 'attribute2': row['column2'], # Add more attributes and corresponding column names } # Write the LDIF entry to the output file ldif_writer.unparse(dn, attributes, object_class.split(';')) print(f"Conversion completed. LDIF file '{ldif_file}' created.") # Specify the input CSV file and output LDIF file input_csv_file = 'input.csv' output_ldif_file = 'output.ldif' csv_to_ldif(input_csv_file, output_ldif_file) Make sure to replace the `'column1'`, `'column2'`, and other placeholders with the actual column names from your CSV file. Adjust the attribute mappings and their values according to your specific requirements. Save the code snippet into a Python file, replace the input and output file paths with your own, and run the script. It will generate an LDIF file containing the converted entries from the CSV file. Remember to have the required Python modules installed, which are `csv` and `ldif`. You can install them using the `pip` package manager: pip install csv pip install ldif Please note that this example assumes a basic conversion without any advanced transformations or data validation. You may need to modify the code to fit your specific CSV structure and LDIF schema.