[[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeeman_(store)| Zeeman (store)]] [[https://www.fairwear.org/| Fair wear]] At Fair Wear, we’re pushing for a world where the global garment supply chain is a source of safe, dignified and decently paid employment, and in which human rights are respected. [[https://www.imvoconvenanten.nl/en/garments-textile| Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT) ]] The Dutch Agreement on Sustainable Garments and Textile (AGT) ran until the 31st of December 2021. A broad coalition of businesses and other organisations worked together during the term of 5.5 years to improve working conditions, prevent pollution, and promote animal welfare in production countries. The AGT has extensive experience with implementing the due diligence expectations of the OECD Guidelines. A practical guidance with many good practices of companies and tools can be found in the ‘Assessment Framework’. Click ‘About this agreement’ at the top of this page and select ‘Publications’ to consult this framework. [[https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/how-zeeman-making-sustainable-fashion-simple-willem-bijleveld/| How Zeeman is making sustainable fashion simple, affordable and mainstream ]] [[https://bangladeshaccord.org/error|redirected bangladesn accord]] redirected to -> [[https://internationalaccord.org|International accord]] [[https://www.ethicaltrade.org/| Ethical Trading Initiative ETI]] [[https://www.linkedin.com/company/zeeman-textielsupers/?originalSubdomain=nl| Zeeman Linked in page]] Zeeman supplier code of conduct {{ :business:export:company_analysis:zeeman_supplier_code_of_conduct_-_annex_iii_new_code_of_conduct.pdf |Zeeman supplier code of conduct }} [[https://www.ilo.org/international-labour-standards/conventions-protocols-and-recommendations| ILO Conventions, Protocols and Recommendations]] International labour standards are legal instruments drawn up by the ILO's constituents (governments, employers and workers) and setting out basic principles and rights at work. {{ :business:export:company_analysis:zeeman_social_responsibility_report_2019_srr_2019.pdf |Social responsibility report 2019}} [[https://info.opensupplyhub.org/resources/zeeman-case-study| Transparency is the necessary foundation for Zeeman’s due diligence program]] [[https://www.discountretailconsulting.com/post/netherlands-if-zeeman-can-pay-a-living-wage-so-can-more-expensive-brands| Netherlands: If Zeeman can pay a living wage, so can more expensive brands]] [[https://www.zeeman.com| Zeeman website]] Zeeman Factories in Pakistan. {{ :business:export:company_analysis:zeeman_pk_factories_facilities_26_aug_2024-1.ods |Zeeman factories in Pakistan.}} [[https://www.zeeman.com/factory| Factory]] Translated Our production locations. Since May 2019, we have been open about the production locations of the factories that produce for Zeeman. By signing the Transparency Pledge, we endorse our commitment to more transparency. Zeeman does not have its own factories, so production is also carried out in the factories for other brands and retailers. We invest in long-term relationships and know the factories we work with. Together with our factories, we make good quality products that are made in a responsible manner. All our factories have signed our code of conduct . Since 2019, our textile suppliers have also signed FairWear's Code of Labor Practices . On the interactive world map below you can navigate to the different countries and see where the production locations are located. platform This overview is also published on the Open Supply Hub . The following suppliers are included in the map below: tier 1: direct suppliers (textile + non-tex) tier 2: wet processing units (textiles) tier 3: raw material processing cotton (textile) Recycling textiles [[https://mtsprout.nl/impact/duurzaamheid/crisis-voor-textielrecycling-industrie-oplossingen| Textile processors are drowning in cheap polyester: 'Sector in crisis' ]] Translated [[business:export:company_analysis:zeeman:recycling|Recycling of textiles]] ---- Zeeman, a Dutch retail chain, has been making strides in its social responsibility efforts. Let me share some key points from their reports: Environmental Impact and Sustainability: Zeeman mapped out the environmental impact of its supply chain for the first time. They exceeded their goal for sustainable material use, with 23.7% of their cotton consumption coming from sustainable cotton. The company is committed to a circular economy and waste reduction12. Living Wage and FairWear Membership: Zeeman aims to pay a living wage to its workers. They’ve joined FairWear, an NGO that focuses on improving working conditions in the clothing industry. FairWear’s experts help supervise production sites and enhance working conditions at factories1. Company Background: Zeeman was founded in the Netherlands in 1967 by Jan Zeeman. It started as a store for household textiles and basic clothing in Alphen aan den Rijn3. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, Zeeman remains committed to its values and transparent dialogue with stakeholders.