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Questions to answer to apply for guaranteed work after TTC courses.

Send in answers to these questions to complete the application for guarantee of paid work after taking our courses.

What specific steps have you taken so far towards achieving your goal?

Can you tell me about a time when you had to overcome a significant obstacle to pursue a goal?

How do you prioritize your time and tasks to ensure progress towards your goal?

What sacrifices are you willing to make to achieve your goal?

Can you describe a situation where you demonstrated perseverance in the face of adversity?

What motivates you to pursue this particular goal?

How do you handle setbacks or failures in your pursuit of this goal?

Can you share any examples of how you've actively sought out opportunities for growth and development in this area?

Have you sought out mentorship or guidance from others who have achieved similar goals?

What does success in this goal look like to you, and how do you plan to celebrate it once achieved?

Note : The submission of an application is NOT a guarantee of an approval. We shall evaluate the applications and those which are accepted, shall be informed of the success.

Send applications to

Include the following information :

Your email address, full name, courses you are interested in taking, and the answers to the questions provided above.

Use the subject line : Application for paid work guarantee.

Sample application letter if you need it.

training/special_offer/questions_to_answer.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/18 16:02 by wikiadmin