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Market research form for courses to be developed

Course Preference:

1. What type of course are you interested in? (e.g., technical, creative, personal development, etc.)

2. Please specify the subject or topic you are most interested in for this course:

3. How would you rate your current knowledge level in this subject? (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

4. What specific skills or knowledge would you like to gain from this course?

Course Format:

1. How do you prefer to learn? (e.g., online videos, interactive tutorials, reading materials, live webinars, etc.)

2. Would you prefer a self-paced course or a structured course with set deadlines?

3. What is your preferred course duration? (e.g., weeks, months)

4. Are you willing to pay for this course? If so, what is your budget range?

Additional Feedback:

1. Is there any specific feature or aspect you would like to see included in this course?

2. Do you have any previous experience with similar courses? If so, what did you like or dislike about them?

3. Any other comments or suggestions regarding the development of this course?

Your contact information

1. Full Name:

2. Email Address:

3. Age:

4. Occupation:

5. Location (City, Country):

6. Would you like updates ?

Thank you

Thank you for taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is valuable in helping us develop a course that meets your needs and interests. If you would like to receive updates or notifications about the course development, please provide your email address below.

training/marketing_research/feed_back_form_for_course_development.txt · Last modified: 2024/04/07 01:18 by wikiadmin