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I had an incomplete export to mp4 file.

When uploading it, the Udemy site reported the error

“XHR returned response code 0”

I replaced the file with an updated complete export and then using the same browser uploaded it.

Then I got no error.

So I understand that the udemy file uploader, checks the end of an MP4 file which is to be uploaded.

If the ending is not there, which is where important MP4 info exists, then the upload fails immediately.

Observation was made on 13 July 2023.

When making HTTP requests, a response code of 0 typically indicates that the request was not successfully completed or that an error occurred. However, the specific meaning of a response code of 0 can vary depending on the context and the software or framework being used.

Here are a few possible reasons for receiving a response code of 0:

1. Network Error: A response code of 0 can indicate a network error, such as a failure to establish a connection or a timeout. This could be caused by issues like network connectivity problems, DNS resolution failure, or firewall restrictions.

2. Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) Issue: If you are making a request from a web browser, a response code of 0 could indicate a CORS issue. CORS is a security mechanism that restricts cross-origin HTTP requests. Browsers enforce certain rules regarding which domains can make requests to other domains. If your request violates these rules, the browser may return a response code of 0 as a security measure.

3. Same-Origin Policy Violation: Similar to CORS, the same-origin policy is a security measure implemented by web browsers. It restricts how a document or script loaded from one origin can interact with resources from another origin. If you're making a request that violates the same-origin policy, the browser may block the request and return a response code of 0.

To troubleshoot and resolve this issue, you can consider the following steps:

- Check your network connection: Ensure that your device has a stable internet connection and can reach the target server. Try accessing other websites or making requests to different endpoints to confirm if the issue is specific to this particular request.

- Review CORS and Same-Origin Policy: If you are making a request from a web browser, verify that your request adheres to the CORS and same-origin policy rules. Ensure that the server you're trying to access allows requests from your domain by correctly configuring CORS headers.

- Debug server-side code: If you have control over the server-side code, examine it for any potential errors or misconfigurations that might be causing the response code of 0. Check server logs for more information about the request and any relevant error messages.

- Check security software or firewall settings: If you have security software or a firewall installed, it might be blocking the request. Temporarily disable them or adjust their settings to allow the request and see if the issue persists.

It's important to note that the specific cause and resolution may vary depending on the context in which you're encountering the response code of 0. Additional information about the request, the software or framework being used, and any error messages or logs would be helpful for further troubleshooting.

products/ict/udemy/xhr_returned_response_code_0.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/13 14:49 by wikiadmin