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Python Courses

Why learn Python ?

Learning Python offers numerous benefits, making it a popular choice among programmers and individuals interested in computer science. Here are some key advantages of learning Python:

1. Easy to Learn and Read: Python has a simple and readable syntax that emphasizes code readability and clarity. This makes it easier for beginners to grasp the language and for experienced programmers to write and maintain code quickly.

2. Versatility: Python is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications, including web development, data analysis, scientific computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning, automation, and more. It provides extensive libraries and frameworks specific to various domains.

3. Large and Active Community: Python has a large and active community of developers who contribute to its growth, provide support, and create useful libraries and frameworks. This active community ensures that Python stays relevant and up-to-date with the latest trends in technology.

4. Extensive Libraries and Frameworks: Python offers a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, such as NumPy, pandas, TensorFlow, Django, Flask, and many more. These libraries and frameworks provide pre-built functions and tools, saving time and effort in development.

5. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python is a cross-platform language, meaning it can run on various operating systems such as Windows, macOS, Linux, and even mobile platforms. This makes it highly accessible and convenient for developers to write code that can be deployed across different environments.

6. Strong Support for Data Analysis and Visualization: Python has become one of the leading languages for data analysis and scientific computing. Libraries like NumPy, pandas, and Matplotlib provide powerful tools for handling and visualizing data, making it ideal for data scientists and researchers.

7. Career Opportunities: Python's popularity has resulted in a high demand for Python developers across industries. Learning Python opens up various career opportunities, whether you're interested in web development, data science, machine learning, or software engineering.

8. Integration Capabilities: Python can easily integrate with other programming languages such as C, C++, Java, and more. This allows developers to leverage existing code and libraries from other languages and build upon them using Python.

9. Increased Productivity: Python's simplicity and extensive libraries enable developers to write code more efficiently and quickly. Its focus on readability and minimalistic syntax reduces the time required for coding, debugging, and maintenance.

10. Open Source and Free: Python is an open-source language, which means it is freely available and can be used, modified, and distributed by anyone. This open-source nature encourages collaboration and fosters innovation within the Python community.

These benefits, among others, make Python an excellent choice for beginners and experienced programmers alike, empowering them to develop a wide range of applications efficiently and effectively.

Types of people who can benefit from learning python.

Python is a versatile programming language that can be beneficial for various types of people. Here are some categories of individuals who may find learning Python advantageous:

1. Beginners: Python is often recommended as a beginner-friendly programming language. Its clean syntax and readability make it easier to understand and learn the fundamentals of programming.

2. Students: Python is widely used in educational institutions to teach programming concepts. It can be valuable for students studying computer science, data science, artificial intelligence, or any field that involves coding.

3. Software Developers: Python offers a robust set of libraries and frameworks that can accelerate the development process. It is suitable for building web applications, desktop applications, scientific software, and more.

4. Data Scientists: Python has become the de facto language for data analysis and machine learning. Popular libraries like NumPy, Pandas, and scikit-learn provide powerful tools for data manipulation, analysis, and modeling.

5. Researchers: Python's simplicity and extensive library ecosystem make it a popular choice for researchers in various domains. It can be used for data analysis, prototyping, simulation, and visualization, among other research tasks.

6. Web Developers: Python frameworks such as Django and Flask enable the development of dynamic and scalable web applications. Python's ease of use and wide adoption make it a valuable skill for web developers.

7. System Administrators: Python is commonly used in scripting and automation tasks for system administration. It can help automate repetitive tasks, manage infrastructure, and interact with APIs.

8. Entrepreneurs: Python's simplicity and versatility make it an excellent choice for entrepreneurs who want to quickly develop prototypes or build minimum viable products (MVPs). It allows for rapid development and iteration.

9. Scientists and Engineers: Python's rich scientific computing ecosystem, including libraries like SciPy and Matplotlib, make it suitable for scientific computing, simulations, and data visualization.

10. Anyone interested in programming: Python's user-friendly nature and vast community support make it an appealing language for anyone interested in learning programming, irrespective of their background or profession.

Ultimately, Python's broad range of applications and its user-friendly syntax make it a valuable language for a wide variety of people, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Python courses, covering both introductory and more advanced topics relevant to Python-related job roles:

Course 1: Introduction to Python Programming

Class 1: Introduction to Programming and Python

What is programming?

Setting up the development environment

Command Line Python ( joe editor )

Pulsar editor

Basic syntax and data types

Class 2: Control Structures and Functions

Number & Booleans, strings

Conditional statements (if, else, elif)

IF Conditional statement



Loops (for, while)

WHILE Statement

Functions and their importance

FOR statements

BREAK and CONTINUE statements

Class 3: Data Structures

Python Objects

Arithmetic operators

Comparison Operators

Assignment Operators

Operator’s precedence and associativity

Strings and string manipulation

Basic data structure in python

String object basics and inbuilt methods

List: Object, methods, comprehensions

Tuple: Object, methods, comprehensions

Sets: Object, methods, comprehensions

Dictionary: Object, methods, comprehensions

Class 4: File Handling and Error Handling

Lists, tuples, and dictionaries

List comprehensions

Reading and writing files

Handling exceptions

Debugging techniques

Class 5 Functions

Functions basics

Function Parameter passing


Generator functions

Lambda functions

Map, reduce, filter functions

Class 6 File Management

Working with files

Reading and writing files

Buffered read and write

Other file methods

Logging & Debugger

Modules and import statements

Class 7 Exception and error handling

Working with files

Reading and writing files

Buffered read and write

Other file methods

Logging & Debugger

Modules and import statements

Course 2: Python for Data Analysis and Visualization

Class 1: Introduction to Data Analysis

Python review of basics for those who may be new or need a refresh.

Class 2: Data Cleaning and Preprocessing

Data analysis process

Handling missing data

Data transformation and normalization

NumPy Introduction

Array – Data Structure

Core Numpy functions

Matrix Operations

Class 3: Pandas

Pandas introduction

Pandas functions

Data Frame and Series – Data Structure

Data munging with Pandas

Imputation and outlier analysis

Class 4 OOP Concepts

Object Oriented Programming OOP basic concepts.

Creating classes



Encapsulation and Abstraction


Class methods and static methods

Special (magic/dunder) methods

Property decorators - getters, setters, and deletes

Class 4: Plotly

Plotly Introduction

Basic plots (bar, line, scatter)

Customizing plots for better visualization

Heatmaps, histograms, and box plots

Interactive visualizations with Plotly

Class 5 PyTables

PyTables intro

Class 6 Introduction to Machine Learning

Scikit-learn and its components

Supervised vs. unsupervised learning

Class 7: SciPy and Machine Learning concepts

SciPy introduction

Getting started



Sparse data


Spatial Data

Regression and classification algorithms

Model evaluation and metrics

Matlab arrays


Significance Tests

Class 8 : TensorFlow

TensorFlow introduction

Course 3: Web Development with Python

- Week 1-2: HTML and CSS Basics

Introduction to HTML structure

Styling with CSS

- Week 3-4: Backend Development with Flask

Setting up a Flask application

Routing and handling requests

- Week 5-6: Databases and SQLAlchemy

Working with SQLite or PostgreSQL

Database models and relationships

- Week 7-8: Frontend Development with Jinja2 and JavaScript

Templating with Jinja2

Introduction to JavaScript and DOM manipulation

- Week 9-10: Deployment and Full-Stack Concepts

Deploying Flask applications

Overview of full-stack development

Flask application

Open link flask

App routing flask

URL building flask

Http methods flask

Templates flask

Course 4: Python for Automation and Scripting

Week 1-2: Introduction to Automation and Scripting

Why automation is important

Automating tasks with Python

Application programming interface

What is web API

Difference b/w API and web API

Rest and soap architecture

Restful services

Week 3-4: Working with Files and Directories

File manipulation and organization

Batch renaming and file operations

Week 5-6: Automating Data Manipulation and Reporting

Using libraries like pandas to process data

Generating automated reports

Week 7-8: Web Scraping and API Interaction

Fetching data from websites

Interacting with web APIs

Course 5: Advanced Python Concepts and Best Practices

Week 1-2: Object-Oriented Programming in Python

  1. Classes and objects
  2. Inheritance and polymorphism

Week 3-4: Advanced Python Features

  1. Decorators and context managers
  2. Generators and iterators

Week 5-6: Testing and Debugging

  1. Unit testing with pytest
  2. Debugging strategies and tools

Week 7-8: Performance Optimization

  1. Profiling and identifying bottlenecks
  2. Strategies for optimizing code

Week 9-10: Collaborative Development and Version Control

  1. Using Git for version control
  2. Collaborating on projects using GitHub

Python Project

Setting up Project Environment and folders

Working with Git Repository

Requirements and Project Documents

Hands-on Python Project coding

Deploying the Application

These courses cover a range of skills relevant to Python-related job roles, including software development, data analysis, web development, automation, and more.

Each course is designed for a total of 24 hours of classes.

8 Classes of 3 Hours each for weekdays.

6 Classes of 4 hours each for weekends.

Duration: 24 Hours.

Slots available.

3 Times a week.

Monday, Wednesday, Friday : 10:00 - 13:00

Monday, Wednesday, Friday : 18:00 - 21:00

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday : 10:00 - 13:00

Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday : 18:00 - 21:00

2 Times a week.

Saturday, Sunday : 14:00 - 18:00

Physical Class Location :

Block 8 Federal B. Area, Karachi.

Near NIPA Karachi in Sir Syed University. SSUET.

Other locations shall become available as they get contracted.

Institutes are welcome to discuss venue availability for physical classes for this course.

We are open to partnering with institutes globally for offering this and other courses via video conferencing.

Video based course :

Some of the courses' topics are are now available in this course on Udemy.

Free Udemy coupon

Link with coupon code applied


Validity 30 days

Starts 10/03/2023 2:01 AM PDT (GMT -7)

Expires 11/03/2023 2:01 AM PDT (GMT -7)

Discount coupon for the python course

Unlimited number of coupons but limited number of days.

4 days

Starts 09/11/2023 1:52 PM PDT (GMT -7)

Expires 09/16/2023 1:52 PM PDT (GMT -7)

Assessment of capability and examination by :

Information about certificates and badges.

Course fee : 0.55 LTC for each course ( USD 36 , PKR 10,000 ) per course.

To register for the course contact : +92 343 270 2932 ( whatsapp ) also +92 331 2036 422

Contact Information

Discounts available for registrations as a group until 30 October 2023.

Number of students Percentage discount Notes
1 0% Available for physical classes and video conferencing virtual classes
2 10% Available for physical classes and video conferencing virtual classes
3 20% Available for physical classes and video conferencing virtual classes
4 30% Available for physical classes and video conferencing virtual classes
5 40% Available for physical classes and video conferencing virtual classes
6 50% Only applies for video conferencing virtual classrooms
7 60% Only applies for video conferencing virtual classrooms
8 70% Only applies for video conferencing virtual classrooms
9 80% Only applies for video conferencing virtual classrooms
10+ 90% Only applies for video conferencing virtual classrooms

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products/ict/python_course_ttc_brochure.1696566181.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/06 09:23 by wikiadmin