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What is a module in Python? Answer: A module is a file containing Python code that can be imported and used in other Python programs.

How do you import a module in Python? Answer: You can import a module in Python using the import keyword followed by the module name.

What is a package in Python? Answer: A package is a way of organizing related modules into a directory hierarchy.

How do you create a package in Python? Answer: To create a package in Python, you need to create a directory and include an empty file named in that directory.

What is the purpose of the file in a package? Answer: The file is used to mark a directory as a Python package and can contain initialization code for the package.

How can you import a specific function from a module in Python? Answer: You can import a specific function from a module using the from keyword, followed by the module name and the function name.

How can you alias a module or package during import? Answer: You can use the as keyword to give an alias to a module or package during import.

What is the difference between a local module and a third-party module in Python? Answer: A local module is a module that you create or write, while a third-party module is a module developed by someone else and is not part of the Python standard library.

What is the purpose of the sys module in Python? Answer: The sys module provides access to some variables used or maintained by the interpreter, and it allows you to manipulate the Python runtime environment.

How do you install a third-party package in Python? Answer: You can use a package manager like pip to install third-party packages in Python. For example, pip install package_name.

What is the purpose of the random module in Python? Answer: The random module provides functions for generating random numbers and performing random selections.

How do you access the functions or attributes inside a package in Python? Answer: You can access the functions or attributes inside a package using the dot notation. For example, package_name.module_name.function_name().

What is the purpose of the os module in Python? Answer: The os module provides functions for interacting with the operating system, such as creating directories, deleting files, etc.

What is the purpose of the datetime module in Python? Answer: The datetime module provides classes for manipulating dates and times in Python.

How do you list all the functions and variables in a module? Answer: You can use the dir() function to list all the functions and variables in a module.

What is the purpose of the math module in Python? Answer: The math module provides mathematical functions and constants in Python.

How can you check if a module is installed or not? Answer: You can use a try-except block to import the module and handle the ImportError if it occurs, indicating that the module is not installed.

What is the purpose of the json module in Python? Answer: The json module provides functions for working with JSON data, including encoding and decoding JSON.

products/ict/python/modules_and_packages_questions.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/06 16:45 by wikiadmin