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Bokeh is a popular Python library for creating interactive and visually appealing data visualizations, particularly well-suited for creating web-based, interactive, and interactive dashboards. Bokeh is designed to produce interactive, dynamic, and responsive visualizations that can be displayed in web browsers. It offers a wide range of capabilities for creating various types of plots and charts, including scatter plots, bar charts, line charts, and more. Bokeh is an excellent choice for data scientists and engineers working on data visualization projects and web applications.

Here's a detailed explanation of Bokeh's key features and concepts:

1. Plotting Interface: Bokeh provides an easy-to-use, high-level plotting interface for creating various types of visualizations. You can create plots using Python code, and Bokeh will generate interactive plots in HTML or display them in Jupyter notebooks.

2. Glyphs: In Bokeh, visual elements such as lines, circles, rectangles, and text are represented using glyphs. You add glyphs to plots to create visual representations of data. For example, you can add circle glyphs to create a scatter plot.

3. Figures: A Figure is the central building block for creating plots in Bokeh. It's a container for all the glyphs, axes, and tools that make up a visualization. You can create one or more Figures within a single plot, allowing you to create subplots or multi-pane visualizations.

4. Data Sources: Bokeh works well with data sources like NumPy arrays, Pandas DataFrames, and other data structures. You can easily bind data to glyphs and create interactive visualizations by mapping columns of data to visual properties of the plot.

5. Bokeh Server: Bokeh includes a server component that allows you to create interactive, real-time applications. You can build interactive dashboards and applications that respond to user interactions, such as sliders, buttons, and text input.

6. Interactivity: Bokeh provides a wide range of tools and widgets for adding interactivity to your plots. You can include zooming, panning, hovering, and various other tools to enhance user engagement.

7. Layouts: Bokeh allows you to create complex layouts by arranging multiple plots and widgets in a grid or a column layout. This is useful for creating multi-panel visualizations or dashboards.

8. Styling and Theming: You can customize the appearance of your plots using styling options and themes to control colors, fonts, and other visual properties.

9. Exporting and Embedding: Bokeh allows you to export plots as standalone HTML files, images, or embed them in web applications. This makes it easy to share your interactive visualizations with others.

To get started with Bokeh, you'll typically need to install the library (using pip or conda), create a Figure, add glyphs and other visual elements, customize the appearance, and optionally add interactivity. Bokeh provides a wide range of resources and documentation, including tutorials and examples, to help you learn and use the library effectively.

Here's a simple example of creating a scatter plot in Bokeh:

from bokeh.plotting import figure, show

# Create a Figure p = figure(title=“Scatter Plot Example”, x_axis_label=“X-axis”, y_axis_label=“Y-axis”)

# Add data as circle glyphs[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 2, 4, 5], size=10, color=“blue”)

# Show the plot in a browser show(p)

This code creates a basic scatter plot with points at specified coordinates. You can further customize and enhance the plot to meet your specific needs.

products/ict/python/data_manipulation/bokeh.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/12 17:17 by wikiadmin