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Module 37: Setting Up a Secure Web Server with IP Tables

Lesson 1: Introduction to Secure Web Server Setup - Exploring the process of setting up a secure web server using IP tables - Overview of the components and considerations for securing a web server - Understanding the importance of protecting web applications and data

Lesson 2: Identifying Security Requirements - Identifying the specific security requirements for the web server - Determining which ports, services, and protocols need to be accessible - Addressing scenarios where different security zones are required

Lesson 3: Designing Firewall Rules for Web Server Security - Creating firewall rules to allow necessary traffic to the web server - Using the `filter` table to implement access controls for HTTP, HTTPS, and other services - Applying rules to the `INPUT`, `OUTPUT`, and `FORWARD` chains as needed

Lesson 4: Implementing Port Forwarding for External Access - Setting up port forwarding rules to enable external access to the web server - Configuring Destination NAT (DNAT) to redirect incoming traffic to the server's internal IP - Addressing scenarios where external access to the web server is required

Lesson 5: Enforcing Security with Logging and Auditing - Configuring logging and auditing rules to monitor web server activity - Using the `LOG` target to generate log messages for specific events - Enhancing visibility into potential security incidents and unauthorized access

Activity: Secure Web Server Configuration - Guided exercise: Setting up a secure web server using IP tables - Designing firewall rules, implementing port forwarding, enabling logging - Testing the configuration to ensure web server accessibility and security measures

Module 37 Assignment: Secure Web Server Strategy - Develop a strategy for setting up a secure web server with IP tables - Explain how the chosen approach ensures web server security, access controls, and visibility into potential security incidents

Upon completing Module 37, learners will have a practical understanding of setting up a secure web server using IP tables. They will be proficient in designing firewall rules, implementing access controls, setting up port forwarding, enabling logging, and achieving the required security objectives for protecting web applications and data. This knowledge will enable them to establish a secure web server environment while ensuring essential web services are accessible and monitored.

products/ict/linux/iptables/setting_up_a_secure_web_server_with_ip_tables.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 22:22 by wikiadmin