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Module 10: Port-Based Filtering in IP Tables Rules

Lesson 1: Introduction to Port-Based Filtering - Understanding the role of ports in network communication - The significance of port-based filtering for security and control - Overview of TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols and their respective port ranges

Lesson 2: Filtering Based on TCP Ports - Specifying TCP ports using the `–sport` and `–dport` options - Creating rules to allow or deny traffic on specific TCP ports - Using well-known port numbers and custom port ranges

Lesson 3: Filtering Based on UDP Ports - Specifying UDP ports using the `–sport` and `–dport` options - Allowing or denying traffic on specific UDP ports - Handling applications and services that use UDP for communication

Lesson 4: ICMP Protocol Filtering - Understanding the ICMP protocol and its various message types - Creating rules to filter ICMP packets based on message types - Allowing essential ICMP types while blocking potentially harmful ones

Lesson 5: Combining Port and Protocol Filtering - Creating rules that filter packets based on both port and protocol - Applying port-based filtering to specific protocols like TCP, UDP, and ICMP - Ensuring comprehensive control over network traffic

Activity: Port-Based Filtering Exercises - Hands-on practice: Creating rules to filter traffic based on TCP, UDP, and ICMP ports - Applying port filtering to specific scenarios and use cases - Verifying the effects of the rules using appropriate testing methods

Module 10 Assignment: Port Filtering Strategy - Design a port-based filtering strategy for a given network scenario - Explain the rationale behind your choice of port filters and their alignment with security objectives

Upon completing Module 10, learners will have a solid grasp of port-based filtering in IP tables rules. They will be able to create rules that control traffic based on TCP, UDP, and ICMP protocols, effectively enhancing the security and control of their network environment.

products/ict/linux/iptables/port_based_filtering_tcp_udp_and_icmp_protocols.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 22:03 by wikiadmin