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Module 4: Chain Concepts in IP Tables

Lesson 1: Introduction to Chain Concepts - Understanding the role of chains in IP tables - Overview of built-in and custom chains - How chains facilitate packet processing and filtering

Lesson 2: Input Chain - Exploring the Input chain's significance - Filtering incoming packets destined for the local system - Typical scenarios and use cases for Input chain rules

Lesson 3: Output Chain - Understanding the Output chain's purpose - Controlling outgoing packets originating from the local system - Use cases for applying Output chain rules

Lesson 4: Forward Chain - Delving into the Forward chain's role - Handling packets passing through the system (routing) - Implementing forwarding rules for traffic between interfaces

Lesson 5: Custom Chains - Creating custom chains for specialized rule management - Advantages of using custom chains for organization and modularity - How custom chains fit into the packet processing flow

Activity: Building and Testing Custom Chains - Guided exercise: Creating a custom chain for a specific use case - Defining rules within the custom chain - Applying the custom chain to relevant parts of the packet flow

Module 4 Assignment: Chain Use Case Analysis - Select a network scenario and design appropriate rule chains - Justify the use of Input, Output, Forward, and custom chains in the given scenario

After completing Module 4, learners will have a deep understanding of the different chain concepts in IP tables. They will be able to differentiate between Input, Output, and Forward chains, and will know how to create and use custom chains for efficient and organized rule management.

products/ict/linux/iptables/chain_concept_input_output_forward_and_custom_chains.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/03 21:57 by wikiadmin