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Linux Distributions Tried and Tested by MuftaSoft


MX Linux










Red Hat


Endeavour : Hardware compatibility issues.

Arch linux : Not for a new bie. Requires plenty of experience to install.

Manjaro : Based on Arch. Way better for a new user than Arch. Software packaging good for an expert looking to extract the last 2% - 5% of extra juice out of their CPU via optimized compiling. Not for a new user. Compiling of all applications causes delays which are not useful for common users. Also the technical aspect. Shall not make any noticable difference on the IO speeds.

Criteria :

The criteria is provided with some examples.

1. MuftaSoft should have personally installed and used the distribution to make sure the standard of usability, ease of use, compatibility and other factors are met.

2. Distribution should be able to install from the CD/DVD with minimal hardware detection, compatibility and operational issues.

3. Easy enough to be usable by a new user via expert guidance.

Arch and Arch based distributions are good for technical people but do not meet our standard for ease of use for a newbie. This situation may change in the future.

4. The standard also includes usability after the distribution is installed.

Elementary OS requires expert support for a newbie to use because of its multiple ways of installing. This results in expert support required to get some applications to install and work properly.

5. Updates should be easy and should not mess up the system which could require a reinstall.

PC Linux OS is an example of a distro where if a dependency warning comes and a user makes one mistake, then it can end up in a reinstall required.

We shall make three lists.

1. Certified

2. Tested along with results.

3. To be tested. New and updated version to be tested.

products/ict/linux/distros_tried_and_tested_by_muftasoft.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/01 23:01 by wikiadmin