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Linux Assessment 1

This Linux assessment covers these skills :

1. Command Line Basics: Assessing the candidate's knowledge and proficiency in using essential command line tools, navigation, file manipulation, and text processing.

2. File System Management: Assessing the candidate's understanding of the Linux file system hierarchy, file permissions, ownership, and basic operations like creating, moving, copying, and deleting files and directories.

3. Process Management: Evaluating the candidate's knowledge of process management, including process identification, monitoring, starting, stopping, and managing background processes.

4. Package Management: Assessing the candidate's familiarity with package management systems like apt, yum, or dnf, and their ability to install, update, and remove software packages.

5. System Configuration and Administration: Evaluating the candidate's ability to perform system-level configurations, manage user accounts, set up network interfaces, configure services, and perform system maintenance tasks.

6. Shell Scripting: Assessing the candidate's proficiency in writing shell scripts using bash or other scripting languages to automate tasks, perform system administration, or solve problems.

7. Networking: Evaluating the candidate's understanding of network configuration, IP addressing, DNS, troubleshooting network connectivity issues, and managing network services.

8. Security: Assessing the candidate's knowledge of Linux security measures, such as user and group permissions, firewalls, secure shell (SSH) configuration, file encryption, and system hardening.

9. Virtualization and Containers: Evaluating the candidate's familiarity with virtualization technologies like VirtualBox or KVM, containerization with Docker, and managing virtual machines or containers.

10. Troubleshooting and Debugging: Assessing the candidate's problem-solving skills by presenting them with Linux-related issues or errors and evaluating their ability to diagnose and resolve the problems.

This assessment covers a broad range of Linux skills and can help assess a candidate's proficiency and knowledge in using Linux systems.

The regular fee for an assessment and certificate is 1 LTC.

If you are a director in any ORIC department, then we are offering a 90% discount on the assessments until 30 June 2023. With a maximum of 100 discounted assessments per institute.

For students and others who need financial assistance, discounted assessments are available.

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products/ict/linux/assessment_1.1686165674.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/08 00:21 by wikiadmin