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Creating a single-file HTML document in LibreOffice Writer is relatively simple. A single-file HTML document includes all the necessary HTML and CSS code within one file. To include the fonts also so the page can be rendered properly, I used the plugin called SingleFile which is available for firefox.

An example is this form

The issue was that the browser could not render the Chinese characters. So the single file plugin was used to include the font in the page html code.

For editing HTML code along with the WYSIWYG editor, I use seamonkey.

A combination of LibreOffice Writer, SingleFile, SeaMonkey and a text editor like Kwrite is need for better control of HTML coding.

Also pixel maps can be generated via LibreOffice easily.

Pixel maps shall be discussed and explained in a separate video or document.

Here's how you can do it:

1. Open LibreOffice Writer: Launch LibreOffice Writer and create a new document or open an existing one.

2. Create or Edit Your Content: Start by typing or pasting the content you want to include in your single-file HTML document. You can format it using LibreOffice's formatting tools as needed.

3. Save the Document: Before exporting to HTML, you should save your document in LibreOffice's native format. Click on “File” in the top menu bar, then select “Save” or “Save As” to choose a location and name for your document. This step ensures you have a backup in case anything goes wrong during the export process.

4. Export to HTML:

a. Click on “File” in the top menu bar.

b. Select “Export” from the dropdown menu. This will open the “Export” dialog box.

c. In the “Export” dialog box, navigate to the location where you want to save the HTML file.

d. In the “File format” dropdown menu, choose “HTML Document.”

e. Optionally, you can adjust the export options as needed. For a single-file HTML document, it's recommended to select “Embed fonts” and “Save URLs relative to file system.”

f. Click the “Save” button to export your document as an HTML file.

5. Edit the HTML File (Optional):

a. The exported HTML file will be a single HTML file that includes both the content and any formatting information.

b. You can open the HTML file in a text editor or an HTML editor to make any further adjustments to the HTML and CSS if needed.

6. View the HTML Document:

a. Open the exported HTML document in a web browser to ensure that it appears as expected. You can do this by double-clicking the HTML file.

b. You can also upload the HTML file to a web server or share it with others by sending the HTML file directly.

By following these steps, you can create a single-file HTML document from your content in LibreOffice Writer. This document will include all the necessary HTML and CSS code, making it self-contained and suitable for sharing on the web.

products/ict/libre_office/writer/creating_single_file_html_documents.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/26 10:35 by wikiadmin