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1. What is Alibaba Cloud Security? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security is a suite of security products and services that are designed to protect businesses from various cyber threats.

2. What are the key features of Alibaba Cloud Security? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security includes features such as anti-DDoS protection, web application firewall, data encryption, access control, and more.

3. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against DDoS attacks? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security provides anti-DDoS protection, which can detect and mitigate DDoS attacks in real-time, helping to ensure business continuity.

4. What is the web application firewall offered by Alibaba Cloud Security? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security's web application firewall helps protect web applications from attacks such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting, and more.

5. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against data breaches? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security offers various data encryption solutions, such as disk encryption, SSL encryption, and key management, to protect data from unauthorized access.

6. What is Alibaba Cloud Security's Access Control feature? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security's Access Control feature helps control access to resources by setting permissions for different users and groups.

7. How does Alibaba Cloud Security monitor security events? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security provides security event monitoring and analysis, which helps identify and respond to potential security threats in real-time.

8. Does Alibaba Cloud Security offer compliance certifications? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Security offers various compliance certifications, including PCI DSS, HIPAA, and ISO 27001.

9. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against insider threats? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security offers identity and access management solutions, such as multi-factor authentication and role-based access control, to prevent insider threats.

10. Can Alibaba Cloud Security protect against malware? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Security offers malware detection and removal solutions, such as antivirus software and vulnerability scanning.

11. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against unauthorized access? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security provides access control solutions, such as IP whitelisting and network segmentation, to prevent unauthorized access to resources.

12. What is Alibaba Cloud Security's Advanced Threat Detection feature? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security's Advanced Threat Detection feature uses machine learning and big data analytics to detect and respond to advanced security threats.

13. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against phishing attacks? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security offers email security solutions, such as anti-spam and anti-phishing filters, to protect against phishing attacks.

14. Does Alibaba Cloud Security offer backup and recovery solutions? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Security offers backup and recovery solutions, such as cloud backup and disaster recovery, to ensure business continuity.

15. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against account hijacking? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security offers various security measures, such as password policies and login protection, to prevent account hijacking.

16. What is Alibaba Cloud Security's Security Center? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security's Security Center provides a centralized view of security status and alerts, helping to manage security risks effectively.

17. Can Alibaba Cloud Security be integrated with third-party security solutions? Answer: Yes, Alibaba Cloud Security supports integration with third-party security solutions, such as SIEM and threat intelligence platforms.

18. How does Alibaba Cloud Security protect against network attacks? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security provides network security solutions, such as virtual private cloud and intrusion detection and prevention, to protect against network attacks.

19. What is Alibaba Cloud Security's Threat Intelligence feature? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security's Threat Intelligence feature provides up-to-date information on the latest security threats and vulnerabilities, helping to stay ahead of cyber threats.

20. How does Alibaba Cloud Security ensure compliance with data privacy regulations? Answer: Alibaba Cloud Security offers data privacy and compliance solutions, such as data masking and anonymization, to ensure compliance with data privacy regulations.

products/ict/cloud_computing/alibaba_cloud/cloud_security_questions.txt · Last modified: 2023/05/12 11:47 by wikiadmin