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Introduction (30 minutes)

  Welcome and Icebreaker:
      Brief introduction of the workshop goals and agenda.
      Icebreaker activity to engage participants and encourage networking.
  Setting Expectations:
      Overview of what participants will learn.
      Emphasis on interactive and practical elements of the workshop.

Introduction to Marketing

1.1 Definition and Scope of Marketing

  1. Lecture: Overview of marketing concepts and definitions
  1. Activity: Discussing real-world examples of successful marketing

1.2 Importance of Marketing in Business

  1. Lecture: Exploring the role of marketing in business success
  1. Case Study: Analyzing companies that attribute success to effective marketing

1.3 Marketing vs. Sales

  1. Lecture: Understanding the distinctions between marketing and sales
  1. Role Play: Simulating scenarios to differentiate marketing and sales activities

Welcome and Overview:

Brief introduction to the marketing.

Explanation of the importance of a marketing plan.

marketing/course/introduction.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/25 17:23 by wikiadmin