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Disappear for 90 days and set yourself 10 years ahead

Pray to God during the whole day. Learn how to be thankful during the whole waking time. Request the best in this life and the after life. Request to be kept away from the hell fire.

Learn how to push yourself from the inside. Not for the approval or appeasement of others. If you do not have a reason to help yourself and others then do it because God made you for that purpose. Not to have fun and play all the time.

Happiness is immediately gained by setting your expectations below what you already have. This is contentment. After contentment is achieved, you need to figure out how to do more. If you are totally satisfied with what you need for yourself, then help others.

Develop a routine. Sleep at 9:00 PM and be awake at 4.00 AM every day.

Spend 60-minutes of your day reading ,writing, and internalizing what you understand.

Be willing to let go of friendships that don't serve you. If you hangout with losers, you become a loser.

Master the art of self-discipline. Get up early, work long hours, and face your problems head on.

Learn at least one high-income skill that'll earn you at least 10 Kg of silver per month.

Stop chasing cheap dopamine. Prioritize what's important over pleasure.

Walk at least 2 KM per day. You'll also be healthier than 97% of people. You can do the walking during the day while doing routine work.

Befriend nature, get at least 10 minutes of sunlight per day. Do the walking outside to clear your mind, boost your mood and get creative. Not inside a stinking gym.

Build self-discipline by taking one cold shower in the morning. Avoid cold showers before sleeping.

Don't just sell what you can make just because you know how to make it. Make what you can sell in the times you are in.

Take 100% responsibility for your life and never blame circumstances or anyone. After all on judgement day, you are 100% accountable for all of your actions and decisions during the whole life. And ZERO percent accountable for what others did.

Include proteins, fresh fruits, and 3L of water in your daily diet to optimize your health.

Fast from sunrise to sunset at least 30 days in a year. This shall keep your immune system boosted and increase longetivity.

Hang out with people who obsess over making moves and living a good life. Your circle should not gossip, complain, or get jealous of each other.

Invest in a good wardrobe, a good niche fragrance, and learn how to talk. You'll boost your success rate by 94%.

Keep distance from people who only prioritize their needs over yours. They're your greatest setback.

Be smart enough to never start quit weed, p-orn, and alcohol. Or quit such bad habits if they exist. They're the worst distraction that'll raise your dopamine, make you dumb, and depressed.

There is nothing about life that’s predicable, so stop trying to predict it.

Find every excuse you can to celebrate it.

Love the age you are and stop wishing you were a different one.

Stop worrying about what others think. It’s a huge waste of your time.

Stop wondering if God is listening, just have faith He is.

Be grateful to anyone who has ever loved you or tried to love you. I know I am.

Know that shit will happen in life. You think you will not be able to withstand, but you can and you will.

Be kind to your body, it will be with you for life.

Believe me when I tell you: diets are a waste of time. I’ve tried them all.

Don’t believe people who tell you they can eat anything and still be so skinny! They are fibbing.

Moderate everything but laughing.

Don’t be scared to be a parent, trust your heart.

Make friends with your children’s friends. They’ll make you laugh and give you valuable intel.

Keep a pair of clothes from high school. Not to check if you can still fit in them but for the memories they hold.

Hold your children over and over again and then let someone hold you.

Get smart about money as early as possible.

Save money from every paycheck.

Buy comfortable sheets, you’ll spend a lot of time in them.

Know that no matter how smart you are, you cannot change someone else.

Stay out of other people’s business. Dealing with your own is a full-time job.

Be kind, cause everyone is struggling.

Don’t engage in gossip, it always bites you in the ass.

Don’t mistake gifts for love.

Stay in connection with your childhood friends and introduce them to your grownup friends. Make yours a generous tribe that’s connected not only to you, but to each other.

Spend time alone when you are young so it won’t scare you when you are older.

Write thank you notes to people for their time and their wisdom. See both as a gift.

Look people in the eye when you talk to them. And at least once, look into someone’s eyes for five minutes straight. You will learn something.

Sit down to family dinner every night. If you can’t do it every night, make Sunday night family night.

Play games with your kids (my favorites are Capture the Flag and Uno).

Give your kids a Get-Out-Of-School pass to use for a special day with you.

Keep an open table and an open mind.

Be of service.

Travel with your kids. It will broaden their horizons and strengthen their bonds.

Don’t assume anyone is better than you or you are better than anyone else.

Don’t ever sit out of an election. You have the gift of living in a country where every vote matters. Use yours.

Learn how to turn off the critical voice in your head as early as possible.

Every year write down your regrets then burn them and leave them where they belong: In the ashes.

Listen to your gut. It knows more than anyone else you are asking for advice.

Practice prayer/meditation. It will keep you in check with yourself.

Never think your work life is more important than your family.

Don’t think bad stuff won’t happen to you. Learn how to push through. Head up, shoulders back.

Don’t allow anyone to shame you.

Get good at forgiveness. You will need to practice it throughout life.

Know that forgiving doesn’t mean going back to what was. It means going forward with love. You get to decide what that looks like.

If you want forgiveness, ask for it.

Get good at letting go.

Don’t expect people to be perfect. You are not…neither are they.

Learn how to communicate in your own home. If you can’t find your voice get help.

Don’t think that reaching out for help is a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of strength.

Therapy isn’t a waste of time. It can save a friendship, a marriage, your life.

If you marry and it comes to an end, don’t let anyone tell you you have failed. Be grateful for the love you had, the memories you made, the lessons you learned.

If you have a pity party, make it short and then move on.

Don’t see yourself as a victim, see yourself as brave.

Be brave enough to write your own story … and then rewrite it.

Be brave enough to try love after you heart has been broken.

Spend time in nature, it calms your mind.

Spend time around people who see you, who celebrate you, who want the best for you.

Stay connected to your siblings and don’t come between them and their partners. My four brothers are my past, my present and my future … and I like all of their wives.

Take care of your parents when they age, it’s a privilege.

Have faith that your best days are ahead of you. That your next frontier will be your most fulfilling time. And that you deserve to be seen as good enough just the way you are.

life_lessons.1680776164.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/04/06 15:16 by wikiadmin