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An Overview of Iran's Advanced Space Endeavors

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – In recent years, Iran has made significant strides in its space exploration endeavors, focusing on the deployment of both observation and communication satellites.

Aligned with strategic development plans, the nation has successfully launched several satellites while gearing up for more ambitious projects.

Iran has recently propelled numerous satellites into space, concentrating on advancing its indigenous capabilities in observation and communication technology. This push aligns with the objectives outlined in Article 67 of the Seventh Five-Year Development Plan, specifically targeting improvements in the Iranian Space Industry. Explore the details of Iran's satellite program, from past achievements to upcoming missions set to elevate its standing in the realm of space technology:

  Sina-1: Launched in November 2005, this communication and imaging satellite was launched by Cosmos-3M rocket in collaboration with the Russia.
  Omid: Launched in February 2009 from Semnan, this communication satellite descended over South America and the Atlantic Ocean in April 2009.
  Rasad: Iran's inaugural imaging satellite, launched in June 2011, concluded its three-week mission in July 2011.
  Navid: Launched in January 2012, this imaging satellite contributed to space exploration.
  Fajr: Launched in February 2015, this transfer orbit satellite reportedly crashed on February 25, 2015.
  Tolou-1: Launched in August 2017 from Imam Khomeini Spaceport with the Simorgh rocket, it was an imaging satellite. Unfortunately, the launch was not successful, and the satellite did not enter orbit.
  Payam: Launched on the morning of 14 January 2019 from Semnan with the Simorgh rocket, it was a scientific satellite belonging to Amirkabir University. Regrettably, the launch did not succeed, and the satellite did not reach orbit.
  Doosti: The second unsuccessful launch in 2019, developed by Sharif University under the Iranian Space Agency's supervision.
  Zafar-1: Launched on 9 February 2020 with the Simorgh rocket, it was intended for remote sensing. Unfortunately, it failed to reach the necessary speed and crashed during the third stage of the launch.
  Noor-1: Launched in April 2020, this is a remote sensing and observation satellite.
  Noor-2: Launched in February 2021, another remote sensing and observation satellite.
  Khayyam: Launched in August 2022 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, this is a remote sensing satellite.
  Noor-3: Launched in October 2023, marking another venture into remote sensing and observation.

Satellites in the final stages of launch and under development include:

  Kowsar : A private-sector satellite focusing on precision agriculture and mapping, scheduled for launch in Azar 2023, by a Russian Soyuz launcher, though the launch has been delayed.
  Hodhod : Another private-sector satellite with a mission for the Internet of Things, also experiencing a delay in its launch.
  Conceptually designed Pars-1: A remote sensing satellite.
  Pars-2: A remote sensing satellite designed in collaboration with the Space Research Institute and the Sa-Iran Institute.
  Pars-3: A remote sensing satellite in the conceptual and preliminary design phase.
  Nahid-2: A communications satellite belonging to the Satellite Systems Research Center, set to complete its prototype flight by March 2023.
  Nahid-3: An advanced generation compared to Nahid-2, featuring advancements in design and construction.
  Mesbah-2: A communications satellite in the design phase, belonging to the Space Research Institute.
  Persian Gulf: Under testing, this communications satellite belongs to Malek Ashtar University.
  SRI Sat: A minimal research satellite ready for launch.

These launches signify Iran's commitment to space exploration and satellite technology, despite encountering challenges in achieving successful missions.

Iran's Satellite Expertise Can Aid Iraq in Advancing Space Endeavors

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iraq could look for essential assistance from Iran's advanced satellite capabilities to manage dust storms and promote its decade-long aim to enter the space business, perhaps marking a collaborative leap in regional space exploration.

Iraq can benefit greatly from accurate and up-to-date satellite imagery from Iran, especially considering the country's struggles with dust storms. Iraq might gain access to Iran's space facilities in the future if the nation chooses to develop communication and reconnaissance satellites.

Iraq has been attempting to enter the space industry for almost ten years. The country hopes to place communication, reconnaissance, information, and security satellites into Low Earth Orbit (LEO) by working with European nations and relying on domestic capabilities.

Iraq has only launched one satellite into orbit with success thus far. It hasn't, however, entered any other satellite-related fields, like space stations, satellite building, satellite launches, space biology, space observation, etc.

Iraqis have not been able to fully realize their potential in the field of space exploration because of the conflicts that have engulfed the nation in recent decades.

Oversight of Iraq's space activities falls under the Ministry of Communications.

In 2014, Iraqis attempted to launch their first satellite, Dijlah, in conjunction with Italians. After Russians launched the jointly built Dijlah satellite into space, it successfully sent data about dust storms to ground stations in Baghdad and Rome. Remarkably, it was still operating in 2019.

Iraq's Minister of Communications announced plans to establish a space agency in conjunction with France in 2020. The purpose was to construct and launch space-based information and security satellites. At the time, the satellites' intended applications ranged from security and economic goals to agriculture, environmental monitoring, military applications, and providing information and security services.

Iraq has also collaborated in space with Egypt, albeit the results of these collaborations are unknown.

Iraq claimed to have launched a satellite in 1989, during Saddam Hussein's regime. However, examination of old pictures and images indicated that the rocket detonated early in the launch, ending in failure.

Iraq's limited space operations indicate that the country has a long way to go before becoming a spacefaring nation. The nation currently relies substantially on foreign aid in this domain. It's normal for a country in the early phases of space exploration to draw on the experiences of other countries. In this voyage, the Islamic Republic of Iran's successful expertise in satellite development, launching, biological capsules, and possession of advanced satellite launch facilities can be of great assistance to Iraq.

This partnership, particularly in monitoring shared water supplies with neighboring nations and tracking dust storms, has a variety of implications for Iraq. Addressing these fundamental difficulties is made easier by Iran's up-to-date and precise satellite images. If Iraq decides to build reconnaissance and communication satellites in the future, Iran's space facilities can readily and economically support Iraq's space launches.

countries/iran/space.txt · Last modified: 2023/11/19 17:03 by wikiadmin