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Hunter vs Farmers in sales person types

The terms “hunter” and “farmer” are often used in sales to describe different types of salespeople and their approaches:

1. Hunter:

  1. A hunter is a salesperson who is primarily focused on acquiring new customers or business opportunities.
  2. They are typically proactive, aggressive, and persistent in pursuing leads and closing deals.
  3. Hunters thrive on the challenge of finding new prospects, making cold calls, networking, and generating leads through various means.
  4. They are goal-oriented and driven by the thrill of the hunt, constantly seeking out new opportunities to expand their client base.

2. Farmer:

  1. A farmer, on the other hand, is a salesperson who focuses on nurturing and maintaining existing customer relationships.
  2. They are relationship-oriented, patient, and attentive to the needs of their clients.
  3. Farmers excel at building long-term connections with customers, providing excellent service, and ensuring customer satisfaction.
  4. They often engage in activities such as upselling, cross-selling, and relationship-building to maximize the value of existing accounts.
  5. Farmers prioritize retention and loyalty, aiming to cultivate a loyal customer base that generates recurring revenue over time.

While hunters are adept at opening new doors and generating initial interest, farmers excel at cultivating and retaining valuable relationships. In many sales organizations, both types of salespeople are necessary for balanced growth: hunters to bring in new business and farmers to nurture and sustain those relationships for long-term success.

The Hunter vs. Farmer Sales Model: Which is Best for Your Sales Team?

business/sales/hunter_vs_farmer.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/25 04:25 by wikiadmin