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Dispute resolution services

Dispute resolution services ICC Arbitration is a flexible and efficient dispute resolution procedure leading to binding and final decisions subject to enforcement worldwide.

General inquiries on Arbitration and Requests for Arbitration You are party in a pending ICC arbitration case or ICC ADR case:

Contact the management teams of the International Court of Arbitration Contact the International Centre for ADR Arbitration and ADR Promotion, ICC YAAF:

Contact the Regional Directors offices Contact Arbitration, ADR Promotion and ICC YAAF Global Coordinating Committee SICANA, Inc.

Contact ICC Arbitration and other ICC dispute resolution services in North America SCIAB LTDA

Contact of ICC Arbitration in Brazil SICAS, Inc.

Contact of ICC Arbitration in Singapore and India Send us a message: please use Contact us online enquiry.

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business/dispute_resolution/international_chamber_of_commerce.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/31 22:38 by wikiadmin